Approved by Resolution No.20/4 of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board dated March 30, 2011  


On Periodic Regulatory Reporting of Banks Conducting Transactions Under the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance  

(As amended by the Resolutions of the National Bank of the KR Board No.18/9 dated April 25, 2012, No.78/23 dated December 23, 2015, No.5/1 dated February 5, 2016, No.40/3 dated September 28, 2016, No.2017 -П-12/25-5-(RLA) dated June 15, 2017, No.2017-П-12/34-1-(RLA) dated August 16, 2017, No.2017-П-10/42-4-(RLA) dated September 27, 2017, No.2017-П-12/51-13- (RLA) dated December 13, 2017, No.2019-П-12\19-3- (RLA) dated April 10, 2019, No.2019-П-12/49-4-(RLA) dated September 25, 2019, No. 2021-П-10/2-1-(RLA) dated January 20, 2021, No.2021-П-12/51-2-(RLA) dated September 15, 2021, No.2021-П-12/70-2-(RLA) dated December 15 2021) 

1. General Provisions  

1. This Regulation defines a unified form of Periodic Regulatory Bank Reporting (hereinafter referred to as PRBR) of Banks conducting transactions under the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance. 

(As amended by Resolution No. 2017-П-12/25-5-(RLA) of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated June 15, 2017) 

2. This Regulation applies to all commercial banks that conduct transactions under the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance (hereinafter referred to as the banks). 

3. The PRBR is drawn up on the basis of accounting and ad hoc records data.  

2. Goals and Objectives  

4. The PRBR is drawn up for the purpose of analyzing:  

a) The financial condition of the bank within the framework of the functions performed by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter referred to as the National Bank), enshrined in the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Banks and Banking Activities”;  

(As amended by Resolution No.2017-П-12/25-5-(RLA) of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated June 15, 2017))  

b) The banks activities for the Management of the bank to make managerial decisions, including the ones to ensure liquidity, solvency and profitability.  

5. The main task of the PRBR is to provide reliable and complete information on the economic and business activities of the bank to ensure the fulfillment of the goals specified in Clause 4 hereof.  

3. Content and Frequency of the PRBR 

6. The PRBR is a reporting of the banks activities that is drawn up in the prescribed form for a certain period and submitted on time.   

7. The composition of the reporting in a consolidated form, a summary and deadlines for reports are given in Appendix 1 hereto.  

8. The PRBR consists of 31 sections.  

4. The PRBR Arrangements  

9. Each bank shall appoint an officer responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the content, the time for submission and the correctness of completing the PRBR. This officer shall also be responsible for interacting with the National Bank on all issues related to the information contained in the PRBR, and for the internal approval of reports, where the signature of several officials is required when submitting reports in electronic format. 

(As amended by Resolution No.2021-П-12/70-2-(RLA) of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board dated December 15, 2021) 

10. The PRBR shall be submitted to the National Bank on the form, in accordance with Appendix 2 hereto and under the requirements of the Regulation “On the Activities of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic as a Certification Centre for Public Keys of Electronic Digital Signature”, approved by Resolution No.25/6 of the National Bank Board dated June 15, 2016, within the time limits established for each report via the electronic communication system (electronic information carriers), signed electronically by the responsible official. 

(As amended by Resolution No. 2021-П-12/70-2-(RLA) of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board dated December 15, 2021) 

11. Reports in electronic format, signed electronically by the responsible official, shall be submitted to the National Bank on time. 

(As amended by Resolutions No. 40/3 dated September 28, 2016, No.2021-П-12/70-2-(RLA) dated December 15, 2021 of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board) 

12. Electronic versions of sections 1-31 of the PRBR shall be submitted to the National Bank. Electronic versions of sections 19-31 of the PRBR shall be accompanied by an electronic signature (ES). Cover letters of the established format to all sections of the PRBR shall also be signed electronically and submitted in electronic format. 

(As amended by Resolution No.2021-П-12/70-2-(RLA) dated December 15, 2021 of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board) 

13. In case of any inconsistencies, errors, incomplete submission or incorrect completion of the PRBR forms, the relevant structural subdivision of the National Bank shall notify the bank of the need to adjust the report with reflection in the financial statements within the following terms: 

- For daily and weekly reports - within 2 working days; 

- For a monthly report - within 10 working days; 

- For a quarterly report - within 10 working days; 

- For semi-annual report - within 15 working days; 

- For annual report - within 30 working days. 

Corrected reports, together with the banks cover letter, shall be submitted to the National Bank: daily and weekly reports - within 2 business days, monthly and quarterly reports - within 3 business days, semi-annual and annual reports - within 5 business days after receiving notification of inconsistencies. 

14. In the absence of comments on the PRBR from the National Bank or after the report is brought into line with the comments of the National Bank and confirmed by a letter from the bank, the PRBR shall be deemed accepted by the National Bank. 

15. The bank branches located in the regions provide the relevant regional (oblast) department of the National Bank with information related to their activities on a monthly basis, before the 15th day of the month following the reporting one, after the submission of the consolidated PRBR by the head office of the bank. The list of sections of the PRBR submitted by the bank branches to the regional departments of the National Bank in agreement with the supervising Deputy Chairman/member of the National Bank Board shall be established by the relevant structural subdivision of the National Bank. 

(As amended by Resolution No.40/3 of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board dated September 28, 2016) 

16. The annual PRBR shall be submitted to the National Bank not later than February 15 following the reporting year. 

17. A copy of the published financial statements with the conclusion of an independent audit company, after approval by the meeting of shareholders, shall be submitted to the National Bank within two working days. 

(As amended by Resolution No.40/3 of the National Bank of the KR Board dated September 28, 2016)  

18. The PRBR shall include the information on weekends and holidays declared and recommended for the National Bank and commercial banks by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic as working ones, regardless of whether the bank worked during this period or not, which should be submitted within the established timeframes. At the same time, reports containing information in foreign currency in KGS equivalent shall be prepared using the accounting rate of the National Bank as of the report date. 

19. The PRBR shall be submitted in the prescribed form: tied and numbered indicating the number of pages of the PRBR sections, sealed and signed by the bank official responsible for drawing up and submitting the PRBR. 

20. The PRBR shall contain reliable information about the bank condition as of the reporting date. The correctness of the reflection of the bank condition in the monthly, quarterly and annual PRBR shall be certified by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank or a member of the Board of Directors replacing the Chairman in his absence, the Chairman of the Board, the chief accountant and a member of the Board of the bank supervising the report preparation. 

5. Concluding Provisions  

21. The bank shall bear liability for untimely and/or inaccurate submission of information, for failure to provide information, as well as incorrect completion of the PRBR in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.  

Appendix 1  


of the Periodic Regulatory Report of the Islamic Bank  

(As amended by the Resolutions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board No.78/23 dated December 23, 2015, No.2017-П-12/25-5-(RLA) dated June 15, 2017, No.2017-П-12/34-1-(RLA) dated August 16, 2017, No.2019-П-12\19-3- (RLA) dated April 10, 2019, No.2021-П-12/51-2-(RLA) dated September 15, 2021)  





Time for submission  

Note or reference to RLA  




Monthly, quarterly and once a year  

Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 

Applies only to the first 18 sections 



Information about the members of the Board of Directors, the Bank Management and the Shariah Board of the Bank  

Once a year and in the event of changes  


Applies only to the first 18 sections 



Information about individual bank officials 

Once a year and in the event of changes  


Applies only to the first 18 sections 



Background bank information  

Once a year and in the event of changes 


Applies only to the first 18 sections 


Section 1  

Balance sheet  A. Assets  B. Liabilities  C. Capital  D. Off-balance sheet liabilities   E. Breakdown of other assets and liabilities of the bank F. Liabilities to the National Bank G. Allocation of assets by country  H. Raising bank liabilities by country  I. Raising bank liabilities by country (in foreign currency)  J. Raising capital by country  K. Amount of financing by industry broken down by regions of the Kyrgyz Republic 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 







L. Classification of the provided financing by the degree of risk broken down by the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic 




M. The volume of funds (by sources of raising) on customer accounts broken down by regions of the Kyrgyz Republic 




N. Other bank details broken down by the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic  




O. Information on customer accounts base  


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 2  

Profit and Loss Account and Comprehensive Income Profit and Loss Account A. Income received from transactions B. Expenditures incurred from transactions C. Other income from the bank transactions D. Other expenditures from the bank transactions E. Other operating and administrative expenditures Statement of Comprehensive Income  


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 3  

Capital structure A. Changes in capital structure B. Reference information on shares and other securities of the bank 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 4  

Changes in unallocated profits  


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 5  

Securities portfolio  


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 6  

Information on overdue assets A. Information on overdue assets (in KGS) B. Information on overdue assets (in foreign currency) 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 7  

Classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk degree A. Classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk degree (in KGS) B. Classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk degree (in foreign currency) 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 8  

Changes in Loan Loss Provision (LLP) A. Information on assets written off at the expense of LLP and returned (previously written off) assets and off-balance sheet liabilities B. Changes in LLP for provided financing, except for financing provided to banks C. Changes in LLP for assets, other financing, and off-balance sheet liabilities D Changes in LLP for financing provided to banks and other FCIs 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 9  

Details of Major Risks A. Details of Major Risks A-1. Information on 15 major sources of financing, including FCIs and state institutions (Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc.) B. Information on cash balances on correspondent accounts B-1 Information on funds placed on deposit accounts D. Information about the broker/dealer /depository serving the bank E. Information on transactions with corporate and government securities F. Portfolio of corporate and government securities of the bank G. Portfolio of corporate and government securities of the customers 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 

Appendix No.1 to the Instruction on the Limits of Financing carried out in accordance with the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance. Appendix No. 2 to the Instruction on the Limits of Financing carried out in accordance with the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance.                  


Section 10  

Information about affiliates A. Brief information about active transactions with affiliates B. General information about transactions with affiliates C. Information about banks affiliates  

      Monthly         Once every six months  

Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 11  

Details of bank-related parties A. Brief information about active transactions with the bank-related parties B. General information about transactions with the bank-related parties C. Information about close relatives of bank officials D. Information about other bank-related parties E. Details on legal entities in which bank officials and their close relatives or other bank-related parties have control 

  Monthly           Once every six months  

Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period.  Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period  



Section 12  

Sensitivity analysis of the bank's assets and liabilities to changes in market rates of return and maturities of assets/liabilities A. Sensitivity analysis of the bank's assets and liabilities to changes in market rates of return B. Maturity of assets/liabilities 

              Quarterly        Monthly   

Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period.                    



Section 13  

Customer accounts broken down by amounts  


Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 14  

Information on compliance with economic standards and the requirement to maintain an additional capital stock of the bank (“Capital Buffer” index) 


Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 

Appendix 1 of the Regulation “On Economic Standards and Requirements Binding on Commercial Banks of the Kyrgyz Republic” 



A. Daily report on compliance with the maximum level of exposure limit per borrower 


Until 9.00 a.m. dated the end of the last trading day 




B. Report on compliance with economic standards of capital adequacy and liquidity ratio (indicator) and requirements to maintain the banks additional capital stock (“Capital Buffer”) 


Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 

Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 



C. Daily report on compliance with the maximum risk limit for term accounts and other liabilities to individuals 


Until 9.00 a.m. dated the end of the last trading day 




D. Report on compliance with the maximum risk limit on demand accounts of individuals 






E. Report on fulfilling the requirements of the National Bank  






F. Report on compliance with the standard (indicator) of short-term liquidity (К3.2)   


Until 9.00 a.m. on the first working day of the week following the reporting week 




G. Daily report on compliance with the standard (indicator) of instant liquidity (К3.3)   


Until 9.00 a.m. dated the end of the last trading day 




H. Information on the amount of financing provided to the Joint Liability Group (JLG) members 


Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 15  

Bank capital calculation 1. Assets 2. Securities portfolio 3. Financing 4. Financing (continued)/other assets 5. Off-balance sheet liabilities 6. Subordinated debt 7. Capital and capital adequacy ratios 


Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 

Instructions for Determining the Standards of Capital Adequacy of Banks Conducting Transactions under the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance 


Section 16  

Report of net foreign exchange positions  


Until 9.00 a.m. dated the end of the last trading day 

Appendix to the Instruction “On the Procedure for Observing the Limits of the Net Foreign Exchange Position by Banks Conducting Transactions under the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance.” 


Section 17  

Information about bank transactions on trust management  


Within 5 calendar days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 18  

Other information A. The average value of assets and liabilities for the month B. Other information about the banks activities C. About the banks personnel D. Information on customers with the highest account turnovers E. Information on the number and amount of messages in the FIS 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 




F. Information on other property (real estate) accepted by commercial banks on the balance sheet towards debt repayment on non-performing loans 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 




G. Information on cash balances on the accounts of state-owned enterprises, business entities with a state participation interest, public authorities 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 




H. Information on maximum and minimum mark-ups on existing financing and deposits, including those set on an individual basis  


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 




I. Information about risk-events of the bank 


Within 5 working days after the end of the reporting period 



Section 19  

Banks services   




 A. Basic banking services at head offices 


Until the 5th day of the month following the reporting one 

If the banks rates at the head office and all its branches are the same, then a uniform single report is drawn up on a monthly basis 

B. Banking services broken down by branches   


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 


C. Remuneration (markup) accrued on funds raised (placed) under the Principles of Islamic Finance  


Until the 5th day of the month following the reporting one 


D. Markup by type of financing as a percentage of the amount of financing 


Until the 5th day of the month following the reporting one 



Section 20  

Transactions with travelers checks and card issuance/ acquiring 




 A. Transactions with travelers checks 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 


 B1. Card issuance/ acquiring transactions (individuals)   


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 


 B2. Card issuance/ acquiring transactions (legal entities)   


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 


 C. Peripheral devices  


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 



Section 21  

Payment information   




A. Intra-branch outgoing customer payments   


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one   

B. Intrabank interbranch payments 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 

C. Intrabank payments broken down by branches 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 

D. Payments by types of payment instruments 


Monthly - until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 

D1. E-payments   


Monthly - until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 

E. Cross-border money transfers by types of systems broken down by country 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 

F. Cross-border money transfers by types of systems broken down by regions 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 

G. Cross-border money transfers by types of systems and broken down by countries 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 

H. Report on the number and volume of payments (transfers) in the payment system (PS) 


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 

I. Report on the number and volume of payments (transfers) declined for processing 


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 

J. Report on abnormal situations in the system 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 

K. Report on fraudulent transactions in the system for __________ month 20__  


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 





Section 22  

Report on foreign exchange transactions   


Until 11.00 a.m. 


 A. Report on non-cash foreign exchange transactions   

 B. Report on cash foreign exchange transactions   

 C. Report on cash foreign exchange transactions in exchange offices serviced by a commercial bank 


Section 23  

Information on transactions in the interbank credit market 


Each Friday until 10.00 a.m. 



Section 24  

Report on raised and placed funds and applied remuneration/ markup 


Until the 5th day of the month following the reporting one 


 A. Financing provided at the end of the period 

 B. Financing provided over the period 

 C. Balance on customer accounts at the end of the period 

 D. Receipt of funds to customer accounts over the period 


Section 25  

Information on funds raised from customers broken down by economic sectors A. Balance of funds on customer accounts broken down by economic sectors at the end of the period B. Funds raised on customer accounts broken down by economic sectors over the period 


Until the 10th day of the month following the reporting one 



Section 26  

International Operations Reporting Form 


Until the 20th day of the month following the reporting one 



Section 27  

Information about the destination of payments in banks 




 A. Form of PB - 1   


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 


B. Form of PB - 2  


Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one 



Section 28  

Daily report on assets, liabilities and capital 


Until 12.00 on the next business day 



Section 29  

Monthly cash flow report  


Until the 4th day of the month following the reporting one 



Section 30  

Weekly cash flow report 


Every Friday until 2 p.m. 

The report contains information on the volumes of cash received and issued for the reporting week  


Section 31  

Daily preliminary trial balance 

A. Daily preliminary trial balance 

B. Daily preliminary trial foreign exchange balance  


Until 12 noon on the next business day 

Regulations “On the Requirements for the Formation of Financial Statements of Commercial Banks Conducting Transactions under the Principles of Islamic Banking and Finance”, approved by Resolution No.47/3 of the NBKR Board dated November 25, 2009 


Appendix 2  


(As amended by the Resolutions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Board No.78/23 dated December 23, 2015, No.2019-П-12\19-3- (RLA) dated April 10, 2019, No.2019-П-12/49-4 - (RLA) dated September 25, 2019, No. 2021-П-12/51-2- (RLA) dated September 15, 2021)