Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Supervisory Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated December 26, 2014 No. 46/1 |
for filling out the periodic regulatory report of microfinance companies carrying out operations in accordance with Islamic principles of banking and financing
(As amended by the resolutions of the Supervision Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated February 8, 2018 No. 06/2, July 2, 2018 No. 30/5, February 11, 2021 No. 05/3)
I. General provisions
1. These Guidelines provide an explanation of the procedure for filling out the Appendixes to the regulation "On the Periodic Regulatory Report of Microfinance Companies Carrying out Operations in Accordance with the Islamic Principles of Banking and Finance" (hereinafter referred to as PRO), in the following sections:
1) title page;
2) information about the members of the Board of Directors, the Board, the Shariah Council and the main founders (shareholders) of the microfinance company (hereinafter referred to as the MFC);
3) information about individual officials of the MFC;
4) basic information about the MFC;
5) section 1 "Regulatory financial statement";
6) section 2 "Statement of comprehensive income";
7) section 3 "Capital structure";
8) section 4 "Information on overdue assets, classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk";
9) section 5 "Customer accounts by amount and maturity";
10) section 6 "Sensitivity analysis of assets and liabilities of the MFC to changes in rates of return and their maturities";
11) section 7 "Changes in the reserve to cover potential losses and damages (hereinafter - LLP)";
12) section 8 "Information on major risks";
13) section 9 "Information on transactions with employees";
14) section 10 "Information on compliance with economic standards";
15) section 11 "Information on financing provided to clients";
16) section 12 "Disclosures";
17) section 13 "Report on foreign assets and liabilities";
2. Sections not described in these guidelines are filled in in accordance with the relevant regulatory legal acts of the National Bank.
II. Front page
3. The title page indicates:
1) date and outgoing registration number;
2) the date as of which the report is prepared (for example, as of December 31, 2017, means that the report is prepared as of the end of the day);
3) date of completion of the report;
4) frequency - "monthly", "quarterly", "annual" or "adjustment". When submitting a monthly report, underline "monthly", quarterly report - underline the word "quarterly". When submitting a report for the 4th quarter, which is annual, underline the word "annual". Mark the word "adjustment" when submitting an amended report. Correction of the report is allowed if errors of a technical nature occur. In this case, only those reporting forms that have been amended are submitted, while the changes are marked with a marker;
5) the type of audit or inspection carried out - one or two of the following lines are indicated:
a) internal audit - if the audit was carried out by internal audit or auditors;
b) an audit without an opinion - if an audit has been carried out, which gives an opinion on the correctness of banking operations and accounting;
c) an audit with a conclusion - if an audit has been carried out, which, in addition to verifying the correctness of banking operations and accounting, gives the MFC recommendations and an action plan for improving and / or improving its activities;
6) the name of the reporting MFC, which is indicated in block letters;
7) an external audit firm - when submitting an annual report;
8) certifying signatures of the chairman of the Board of Directors of the MFC or a member of the Board of Directors replacing the chairman in his absence, the Chairman of the Board, the chief accountant, a member of the Board supervising the preparation of the report;
9) the signature of the MFC employee responsible for compiling and submitting the PRO, indicating the position, last name, first name, patronymic and telephone number;
10) total number of clients - indicates the number of clients who received financing, as well as placed funds on accounts with the MFC.
III. Information about the members of the Board of Directors, the Management Board, the Sharia Council and the main founders (shareholders) of the MFC
4. Information about the members of the Board of Directors, the Board, the Sharia Council and the main founders (shareholders) of the MFC should be provided in the annual report or in case of changes and contain the following information:
1) surname, name and patronymic;
2) place of work (not indicated for members of the Management Board);
3) position;
4) work phone number (including number code);
5) sample signature (not specified for the main founders (shareholders).
IV. Information about individual officials
5. Details of individual officers of the MFC are provided in the annual report or in case of changes and contain a list of the following individual officers (or persons equivalent to them) of the MFC:
1) chief accountant;
2) an official responsible for liquidity management;
3) the official responsible for the budget;
4) an official responsible for financing activities;
5) Chairman of the Audit Committee;
6) Head of the internal audit service/department.
The officials specified in subparagraphs 2, 3, 4 should represent the leadership of the MFC and be responsible for the policy pursued in these areas throughout the entire MFC.
6. For each official, the following information must be contained:
1) surname, name and patronymic;
2) position;
3) work phone number;
4) sample signature.
7. Assignment of responsibility for certain areas of MFC activity to certain MFC officials should be documented in the MFC.
V. Basic information about microfinance companies
8. Basic information about the MFC includes the following information:
1) "full name of the reporting MFC" - the full official name of the MFC;
2) "address":
a) "city" - the name of the city or locality where the parent MFC is located;
b) "street, building number" - the name of the street and the number of the building of the head office;
c) "postal code" - the index of the post office;
d) "mailbox" - a mailbox in a post office;
3) "officially announced relationship":
a) "telephone" - the official telephone number of the MFC;
b) "fax" - the official fax number of the MFC;
c) "e-mail" - the official e-mail address of the MFC;
4) "the amount of authorized capital":
a) "declared" - the amount of the declared authorized capital of the MFC;
b) "actually contributed" - the amount of the actually contributed authorized capital of the MFC;
5) "paid as of December 31" - the table is filled in indicating the par value of the sold shares (common and preferred shares), indicating their total value of each par value, as well as the total number of all shares and their total value as of December 31 of the year prior to the reporting date.
VI. Sections of the Periodic Regulatory Report
1. Section 1. "Regulatory statement of financial position"
9. The Regulatory Statement of Financial Position reflects the most significant items of MFC's financial position from a regulatory reporting standpoint.
The regulatory statement of financial position consists of three columns:
1) the name of the item of the regulatory report on financial position;
2) the value of the article in soms;
3) in the third column, the som equivalent of balance sheet items in foreign currency is allocated at the policy rate of the National Bank as of the reporting date.
10. All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
11. The amounts in the assets items of the statement of financial position (other than financing) are shown net of the corresponding amounts of provisions for potential losses and losses (hereinafter referred to as LLP), depreciation charges and discount/premium (net asset value).
12. The regulatory statement of financial position is prepared without taking into account the amount of counter assets and liabilities on financial instruments. In this case, the sum of the convolution must be disclosed and deciphered separately in the explanatory note to the PRO.
1 §. Subsection A. "Assets"
13. Article 1 "Cash" shall indicate the amount of cash, including banknotes and coins in circulation, as well as banknotes and coins in terms of soms, including foreign currency in soms at the policy rate of the National Bank as of the reporting date .
Item 2 "Account with the National Bank" indicates the funds on the account with the National Bank for the calculation of mandatory reserve requirements for MFCs that attract funds to customer accounts.
Article 3 "Settlement accounts and other accounts with other banks and financial organizations" indicates the amount of funds in settlement and other accounts with banks or financial organizations minus the corresponding LLP. The balances include the amount in all types of currencies in som equivalent at the rate of the National Bank as of the reporting date.
Article 4 "Accounts with other banks and financial institutions" indicates the amounts of funds placed on accounts with banks and financial institutions, including funds on pledged accounts, minus the corresponding LLP.
Item 5, Securities, sets out the book value of Shariah compliant securities held by MFC: the portfolio of trading securities available for sale and securities held to maturity, less the relevant special LLP.
Article 6 "Financing provided to banks and FCOs" indicates the balance of the amounts of financing provided by FCOs at the reporting date.
Item 7 "Financing provided to other customers" indicates the balance of the amounts of financing provided to customers, other than FCOs, at the reporting date.
Article 8 "Special LLP" indicates the amount of special LLP created for classified assets.
Article 9 "Net financing" indicates the cost of financing, minus the special LLP for them (the sum of articles 6 and 7 minus article 8).
Item 10, Assets/Inventory for Onward Transfer to Clients, specifies the value of buildings, other structures, furniture, equipment, and other assets/inventory acquired by MFC for onward transfer to clients, including under Murabaha and Ijara/Ijara Muntahiya Bittamlik agreements. The data is broken down into real estate and movable property.
Item 11 Property, Plant and Equipment sets out the value of land and/or land, buildings and other structures owned or used by MFC, furniture and equipment, including motor vehicles, as well as the cost of material, labor and other capitalized costs arising from construction or overhaul, minus the depreciation accrued on fixed assets. Fixed assets should be shown in the following groups: a) land and buildings; b) other fixed assets.
Article 12 "Other property" specifies the real estate and other property of the client (former collateral) accepted by MFC to redeem the asset, minus the relevant LLP, which are divided into real estate and other property of the client.
Item 13 "Capital investments in non-consolidated companies" indicates the amount of capital investments in companies not consolidated in this report, including branches and associates, less the relevant special LLP.
Item 14 "Other assets" indicates the carrying amount of assets not listed above, including cash in settlements, less the relevant LLP.
Article 15 "Total assets" indicates the sum of articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
2 §. Subsection B. "Obligations"
14. Article 16 "Term accounts of legal entities" indicates the total amount of term accounts of legal entities with the MFC, broken down into limited and unlimited mudaraba.
Article 17 "Term accounts of individuals" indicates the total amount of term accounts of individuals in the MFC, broken down into limited and unlimited mudaraba.
Item 18 Funding Received specifies the amount of funding not considered short-term placements received by MFC under the following items;
a) from banks;
b) from other FCOs of the Kyrgyz Republic;
c) from international donor organizations (other financial sources of funding);
d) from international financial institutions;
e) from public authorities.
Article 19 "Funds borrowed by the MFC from legal entities and founders (shareholders)" indicates the amount of borrowings from legal entities and founders (shareholders) - individuals and legal entities. Information is provided broken down into:
a) "Financing provided by the MFC from the founders (shareholders) - individuals" indicates the amount of funding provided by the founders (shareholders) - legal entities.
b) "Funds borrowed by the MFC from the founders (shareholders) - legal entities" indicates the amount of borrowings from legal entities and founders (shareholders) - legal entities.
Article 20 "Contingent Grants" specifies the sum of the balances of grants received.
Article 21 indicates the amount of balances of grants received in foreign currency in som terms.
Article 22 "Other liabilities" specifies liabilities not specified in the previous articles, including cash in settlements.
Article 23 of the "Total Obligation" indicates the sum of Articles 16-22.
3 §. Subsection B. "Capital"
15. Article 24 "Share capital" indicates the value of share capital in the context of the following articles:
a) "ordinary shares" - the total amount of ordinary shares of the MFC;
b) "preferred shares" - the total amount of preferred shares of the MFC;
c) "capital invested in excess of par" - the amount of funds contributed by shareholders in excess of the par value of shares, representing the difference between the sale price of common and preferred shares and their par value;
d) "additional capital contributed by individuals and legal entities" - funds contributed by individuals and legal entities in excess of the paid-in authorized capital or as additional capital, which is taken into account until the moment of re-registration in connection with a change in the authorized capital. These funds are credited only if the MFC has an agreement with individuals and legal entities on depositing funds towards the acquisition of shares/stakes in the authorized capital of the MFC with the conditions:
- irrevocable (under no circumstances);
- indefiniteness of the contributed funds;
- in the event of bankruptcy of the MFC, the claims for these funds will be satisfied in the same order as those of the shareholders of the MFC;
e) "retained earnings (losses)" - the amount of retained earnings (profit) of the MFC;
e1) "profit (losses) of previous periods" - profit (losses) of previous years, which remained in the MFC after the distribution of part of the funds among shareholders and transfer to reserves for future needs of the MFC;
e2) "profit (loss) of the current year" - profit (loss) of the current year;
f) "reserves for future needs" - the amount of reserves created for future events in the MFC through profit distribution.
Item 25, General Reserves, sets out the amount of reserves held by MFC through the revaluation of MFC's assets and the difference resulting from the currency translation on consolidation, as well as the total LLP for financing and other classified assets:
a) "Reserve for the revaluation of fixed assets" - the amount of revaluation of fixed assets;
b) "securities revaluation reserve" - the amount of unrealized income and losses arising from the revaluation of securities;
c) "LLP for financing" - the amount of total LLP for financing;
d) "total LLP for other assets" - the sum of the total LLP for other assets subject to classification;
e) "other general reserves" - the sum of other general reserves.
Article 26 "Reserve for equalization of profits (RVP)" specifies the amount allocated by the decision of the Board of Directors of the MFC from the gross profit before the distribution of the Mudarib share, in order to maintain a certain level of return on investments of investment account holders.
Article 27 "Reserve to cover investment risks" (if any) indicates the amount allocated from the profit of investment account holders, after the distribution of the Mudarib's profit share, in order to mitigate the risks of future investment losses of investment account holders.
Article 28 "Investments of non-consolidated companies" specifies the amount of long-term investments of non-consolidated companies.
Article 29 "Total capital" indicates the sum of articles 24-28.
Article 30 "Total Liabilities and Capital" states the sum of Articles 23 and 29.
4 §. Subsection D. "Off-balance sheet liabilities"
16. Article 1, Commitments to provide funding, sets out commitments to provide funding.
Article 2 “Article 2 Guarantees” refers to guarantees issued or endorsed by MFC.
Item 3, Currency Transactions, specifies the MFC's foreign exchange obligations.
Item 4, Asset Purchase Commitments, specifies MFC's commitment to purchase assets in the future.
Item 5 "Other off-balance sheet liabilities" specifies all other off-balance sheet liabilities not listed above.
Article 6 "Total off-balance sheet liabilities" indicates the sum of articles 1 to 5.
5 §. Subsection E. "Breakdown of other assets and liabilities"
17. Article 1 "Other Assets" specifies the breakdown of the assets of the MFC under the following sub-items:
a) "income accrued receivable" indicates the amount of remuneration accrued to be received on the issued financing, securities, accounts in other financial and credit organizations;
b) "advance payment paid" indicates the amount of payments made in advance to other parties in accordance with the terms of the contracts;
c) "unclarified receivables" shall indicate the amounts of money before clarification;
d) "other other assets" indicates the amount of other other assets of the MFC, not listed above.
Item 2, "Special LLP on Other Assets," specifies the amount of LLP on MFC's other assets listed above.
Item 3 "Net other assets" indicates the net value of other assets (the difference between items 1 and 2).
Article 4 "Other Liabilities" provides a breakdown of the MFC's obligations under the following sub-items:
a) "income accrued to clients payable" shall indicate the amount of accrued interest payable in cash on clients' accounts;
b) "deferred income (margin) on murabaha and salam operations" indicates deferred income on murabaha and salam operations.
c) "taxes payable" indicates the amount of taxes payable;
d) "unclarified accounts payable" indicates the amount of accounts payable before clarification;
e) "other" indicates other obligations not shown above, including LLP on off-balance sheet obligations.
6 §. Subsection E. "Explanation of obligations"
18. The subsection provides details of MFC commitments and grants.
19. Column 1 "Name of transaction" indicates the transaction in accordance with which funds were raised.
Column 2 "Amount of Funds Received" indicates the amount of funds received under the agreement.
Column 3 "Balance of funds received" indicates the balance of liabilities as of the reporting date.
Columns 4 and 5 "Term for which funds were provided" indicate the minimum and maximum period for which funds were received.
Column 6 "Lender" indicates the name of the organizations/institutions (it is necessary to indicate each organization line by line) that provided the funds.
Column 7 "Margin/income, in %" indicates the margin/income on operations. The markup/income must be converted into annual terms in accordance with paragraph 44 of these guidelines.
Column 8 "Currency" indicates the currency in which the funds were provided.
Column 9 "Condition" indicates the conditions for the grants and funding received, the purposes for which the grants and funding were received. For example, to finance agriculture or the construction of a kindergarten, etc.
Column 10 "Yield rate, in %" indicates the rate of return in percent.
The determination of the yield ratio is comparable to the determination of the annual effective interest rate. Yield ratio - income in reliable, annual, effective, comparable terms, the calculation of which takes into account the client's payments related to obtaining financing or remuneration to the client for placing funds on a deposit account.
The yield ratio is calculated in accordance with the Regulation "On the calculation of the effective interest rate when distributing information on the amount of remuneration for banking services", approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank dated August 27, 2008 No. 33/4.
7 §. Subsection G. "Financing Portfolio Breakdown"
20. Column 1 "Product Name" indicates the funding methods used by the MFC:
1) group financing without collateral - financing of a group of individuals under subsidiary group liability without collateral;
2) group financing secured by collateral - financing of a group of individuals subject to the availability of collateral;
3) individual financing without collateral - financing of individuals and legal entities without collateral (including guarantees);
4) individual financing secured by collateral - financing of individuals and legal entities subject to the availability of collateral;
5) others - other methods of financing not provided above.
Columns 2 and 3 "Amount of funding per client" indicate the minimum and maximum amounts of funding per client.
Columns 4 and 5 "Terms" indicate the minimum and maximum terms in months for which the funds were issued.
Columns 6 and 7 "Margin/income, in %" indicate the minimum and maximum annual markup/income rates for financing, in percent.
Columns 8 and 9 "Yield rate, in %" indicate the minimum and maximum values of the rate of return on financing, in percent.
Columns 10 and 11 "Accrual Method" indicate the balance of the financing portfolio, depending on the accrual method used (on the residual balance or on the opening balance).
All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
2. Section 2. "Statement of Comprehensive Income"
21. All items are shown in comparison for the current period and cumulatively since the beginning of the reporting year. The amounts in this report can be positive or negative. Negative amounts must be given in parentheses.
All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
1 §. Subsection A. "Income received from operations"
22. Item 1, Income from cash held with commercial banks, refers to income earned by the MFC from cash held with other banks or FCOs.
Item 2, Income from Securities, lists income received by MFC from securities.
Item 3, Income Received from Funding Provided by the FCO, lists the income received by the MFC from financing provided by the FCO.
Item 4, "Revenues received from financing provided to other clients, including" indicates the income received by MFC from financing.
Article 5 "Other income" refers to other income not listed above.
Article 6 "Total" indicates the sum of articles from 1 to 5 inclusive.
2 §. Subsection B. "Expenses incurred on operations"
23. Item 7, Expenses on Term Accounts of Legal Entities, specifies MFC's expenses on Term Accounts of Legal Entities.
Item 8, Expenses on Time Accounts of Individuals, specifies MFC's expenses on time accounts of individuals.
Item 9, Expenses on Funding Received from Banks, sets out MFC's costs of financing received.
Article 10 "Costs of financing received from other financial institutions" indicates the costs of financing received from other financial and credit organizations.
Article 11 "Costs of financing received from international financial institutions (other sources of financing)" specifies the costs of financing received from international financial institutions.
Article 12 "Miscellaneous expenses" refers to expenses not listed above.
Article 13 "Total" indicates the sum of articles 7 to 12 inclusive.
Item 14 "Net income" indicates the net income received by the MFC (difference of items 6 and 13) during the reporting period.
Article 15 LLP specifies the costs of special and general LLP for financing.
Article 16 "Net income after deductions to LLP" indicates the difference between articles 14 and 15.
3 §. Subsection B. "Other income from operations"
24. Article 17 "Commissions and Service Fees" specifies the fees and charges for services received by MFC.
Item 18, Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss, specifies foreign exchange gains/losses received by MFC from foreign exchange transactions.
Item 19 "Income received from agency banking" indicates the income received by the MFC as a result of the implementation of retail banking services on the basis of agency agreements.
Article 20, “Income/dividends from investments in capital and shares, including subsidiaries and associates”, indicates income received by the MFC in the form of dividends from investments in capital and investments in shares and shares of companies that are not subsidiaries or associates , and income from subsidiaries and associates.
Article 21 "Other income" refers to income not listed above.
Article 22 "Total" indicates the sum of articles 17-21.
4 §. Subsection D. "Other transaction costs"
25. Item 23, "Professional and Banking Costs," sets out the fees and charges for services paid by MFC.
Article 24 "Other expenses" refers to expenses not listed above.
Article 25 "Total" indicates the sum of Articles 23 and 24.
5 §. Subsection D. "Operating and Administrative Expenses and Zakat and Charity Expenses"
26. Article 26 "Salaries and other staff costs" specifies the costs associated with the payment of salaries, bonuses and other similar payments to MFC employees (except for payments to members of the MFC Board of Directors / Board of Directors / Sharia Council):
1) salary and bonuses;
2) other payments and subsidies (other payments);
3) payments to the Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 27 "Fees to Members of the Board of Directors" specifies the payments and fees paid to members of the Board/Board of Directors/Sharia Board of the MFC.
Article 28 "Other expenses on fixed assets, including property (real estate) tax" indicates expenses on buildings and structures, furniture, vehicles, equipment, computers, software and intangible assets, including depreciation and property tax expenses :
a) rent;
b) utilities;
c) depreciation expenses;
d) other expenses;
d) property tax.
Article 29 "Taxes" specifies the costs associated with taxes, with the exception of income tax.
Article 30 "Takaful" specifies the costs associated with insurance (takaful).
Item 31 "Other operating and administrative expenses" specifies all operating and administrative expenses not listed above.
Item 32 "Total operating expenses" indicates the sum of items 26-31.
Item 33, "Total Operating Income (Loss)", reports the net operating income/loss earned or incurred by MFC (difference between the sum of items 16 and 22 and the sum of items 25 and 32).
Article 34 "Provisions for other potential losses and losses (not from financing operations)" indicates the amount of expenses for special and general LLP for operations other than financing operations.
In article 35 "Net operating income (loss)" the difference between articles 33 and 34.
Article 36 "Expenses for Zakat and Charity" specifies the expenses allocated by the MFC for zakat and charity.
Item 37, Income Tax, specifies MFC's income tax expense.
Article 38 "Net profit (loss)" indicates the net profit of the MFC (the difference between articles 35, 36 and 37).
3. Section 3. "Structure of capital"
1 §. Subsection A. Changes in Capital Structure
27. Equity includes common and preferred shares, retained earnings and capital reserves. All amounts in this table, except lines 1, 3 and 13, must be reported as net cumulative changes since the beginning of the year. All reductions and losses (ie capital reductions, net) are shown in brackets instead of using a minus sign. All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
28. Item 1, “Total Equity and Retained Earnings at the End of the Prior Year”, indicates the amount of equity originally shown in the balance sheet at the beginning of the year, before adjustments are made. For an MFC that commenced operations on or after January 1 of the current year, zero is shown in this item and initial capital is shown in item 2.
Item 2, "Capital account adjustments not shown in prior year's report," states the sum of all changes made to capital account balances that result in a change in data at the beginning of the year. This line should be zero if no changes have been made.
Item 3, “Total capital and retained earnings at the end of the previous year, as adjusted,” states the sum of items 1 and 2. If no adjustments have been made, then the value of item 3 should be equal to that of item 1.
Article 4 "Profit (loss) for the current year" indicates net profit (loss) since the beginning of the year. The value of this item should correspond to the profit/loss shown in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
Article 5 "Capital paid in excess of par value, current year, net" indicates the capital paid in excess of par value in the current year (net).
Article 6 "Additional capital contributed by individuals and legal entities" indicates the funds contributed by individuals and legal entities in excess of the paid-in authorized capital or as additional capital, which is taken into account until the moment of re-registration in connection with a change in the authorized capital. These funds are credited only if the MFC has an agreement with individuals and legal entities on depositing funds towards the acquisition of shares/stakes in the authorized capital of the MFC with the conditions:
- irrevocable (under no circumstances);
- indefiniteness of the contributed funds;
- in case of bankruptcy of the MFC, the claims for these funds will be satisfied in the same order as those of the shareholders of the MFC.
Subsequently, additional funds contributed by individuals and legal entities must be directed to the authorized capital (common or preferred shares) of the MFC.
Article 7 "Changes in reserves this year (net)" indicates the changes that have occurred in capital reserves since the beginning of the year:
a) "reserve for future needs of MFC" - the net result of changes in the reserve for future needs of MFC during the year;
b) "securities revaluation reserve" - the net result of changes in the securities revaluation reserve during the year;
c) "revaluation reserve for fixed assets" - the net result of changes in the revaluation reserve for fixed assets during the year;
d) "total reserves (LPL) for financing" - the net result of changes in total LLP for financing during the year;
e) "reserve for equalization of profits (RWP)" - net result from changes in RWP;
f) "investment risk reserve" - the net result of changes in the investment risk reserve.
Item 8 "Minus: Dividends Declared on Ordinary Shares" specifies all cash dividends declared on Ordinary Shares during the current year, including dividends not paid at the balance sheet date.
Item 9 “Minus: Preferred Share Dividends Declared” sets out all cash dividends declared on preferred shares, whether of limited maturity or in perpetuity, during the current year, including dividends to be paid in the next reporting period.
Article 10 "Minus: Share Dividends on Ordinary Shares" specifies the dividends in the form of shares declared on ordinary shares during the current year, including shares that will be recognized in equity in the next reporting period.
Article 11 "Minus: Share Dividends on Preferred Shares" specifies share dividends declared on preferred shares, both of fixed and unlimited maturities, including such dividends that will be recognized in equity in the next reporting period. .
Item 12 "Other changes in equity and retained earnings, current year, net (net)" indicates the net amount of adjustments for other items not listed above that have an effect on equity.
Item 13 "Total equity and retained earnings at the end of the reporting period" indicates the sum of items from 3 to 12. This amount must be equal to the amount of capital indicated in the statement of financial position at the end of the reporting period.
2 §. Subsection B. "Reference information about shares and other securities of the MFC"
29. Reference information on shares and other securities of the MFC provides information on shares and other securities issued by the MFC. The data is given in the context of owners of shares and securities (residents and non-residents).
30. Article 1 "Declared authorized capital" indicates the authorized capital specified in the founding documents of the MFC.
Article 2 "Paid-in authorized capital" specifies common and preferred shares from paragraphs. a) and b) article 24 of subsection B. "Capital" of section 1. "Statement of financial position".
Article 3, "The State's Share in the Paid-in Share Capital", specifies the portion of shares owned by the State in the paid-in authorized capital of the MFC, if any.
All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
3 §. Subsection B. "Changes in Retained Earnings"
31. If no changes have occurred in the reporting period for any article of this report, then a zero value is shown. All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
32. Item 1, Retained Earnings Reported in Prior Year, shows MFC's retained earnings as originally reported in the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive Income. An MFC that began operations on or after January 1 of the current year shows zero in this article.
Item 2 "Adjustments to Retained Earnings Not Shown at the End of the Prior Year" shows the net amount of all adjustments made to the originally reported retained earnings figures in the Statement of Financial Position for the previous year.
In article 3 "Retained earnings at the end of the previous year, subject to adjustments" is the sum of lines 1 and 2 of this section. If no adjustments have been made, then the value of this item shall be equal to that of item 1.
Item 4 "Profit (loss) since the beginning of the year" indicates the net profit (loss) for the current period, indicated in section 2. "Statement of comprehensive income".
Item 5, “Changes in reserves for future requirements of MFC in the current year (net)”, indicates the net changes in the reserve for future requirements that occurred in the current year.
Item 6 "Changes in other reserves affecting retained earnings in the current year (net)" indicates the net changes in other reserves that affect retained earnings in the current year, including changes in the revaluation reserve for property, plant and equipment.
Article 7 "Behind the Minus: Cash Dividends Declared on Ordinary Shares" specifies all cash dividends declared on ordinary (ordinary) shares during the current year, including dividends not paid as of the reporting date.
Article 8, “Beyond Minus: Cash Dividends Declared on Preferred Shares”, sets out all cash dividends declared on preferred shares, whether of limited maturity or perpetual, during the current year, including dividends not paid as of the reporting date.
Article 9 “Behind the Minus: Share Dividends Declared on Ordinary Shares” specifies dividends declared in the form of shares on ordinary (ordinary) shares during the current year, including shares not recognized in equity at the reporting date.
Article 10 “Beyond Minus: Share Dividends Declared on Preferred Shares” specifies dividends declared during the current year in the form of shares on preferred shares, both of limited maturity and perpetual, including dividends not recognized in equity on report date.
Item 11 "Other adjustments to retained earnings in the current year, (net)" indicates the net balance of any other changes affecting retained earnings in the current year.
Article 12 "Total retained earnings at the end of the reporting year" indicates the sum of articles from 3 to 11 of this table. This amount must correspond to the amount of retained earnings in section 1. Statement of financial position.
4. Section 4. "Information on overdue assets, classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk"
1 §. Subsection A. "Information on overdue assets"
33. The subsection reflects information on all overdue assets of the MFC, depending on the type of clients and the number of days of delay.
34. MFCs that attract funds to customer accounts fill out this subsection in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.
(As amended by the Resolution of the Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated February 11, 2021 No. 05/3)
35. Column 1 "Items" indicates the type of asset that is in arrears.
Column 2 "Total" indicates the sum of columns 3 and 5.
Column 3 "Current (not overdue)" shows the amounts of current assets for which there are no overdue debts.
Column 4 "Restructured assets" indicates the amounts of restructured assets.
Column 5 "Total overdue assets" indicates the amount of overdue debt on the principal amount of assets. The value of column 5 is equal to the sum of the values of columns 6, 7, 8, 9.
Columns 6-12 indicate the duration in days of continuous arrears of principal by maturity. The terms are determined from the moment the debt arises to the date of the report.
Column 13 "Total assets in non-accrual status" indicates the amounts of past due assets for which the accrual of interest has been suspended in accordance with MFC's internal policy. For assets in the non-accrual status, their nominal value as of the reporting date is indicated.
Article 1 “Financing provided to clients” refers to financing provided to clients and includes items a) to j).
Article 2 "Funding provided by the FCO" indicates the amount of funding provided by the FCO.
Item 3 "Other assets" refers to assets not listed above, but for which there is an overdue debt.
(As amended by the Resolution of the Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 2, 2018 No. 30/5)
2 §. Subsection B. "Classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk"
36. MFCs that attract funds to customer accounts fill out this section in accordance with the Regulations "On the classification of assets and the corresponding deductions to the reserve to cover potential losses and losses when carrying out operations in accordance with Islamic principles of banking and financing", approved by the decision of the Board of the National bank dated December 28, 2009 No. 51/6.
37. The subsection contains information on all assets and off-balance sheet liabilities subject to risk classification, as well as the amount of the formed reserve to cover them. The provided financing should be distributed by sectors of the economy in accordance with the purpose for which the client uses the funds received, and not according to the main profile of his activity or type of business. For all types of assets and off-balance liabilities, their value as of the reporting date is indicated minus the corresponding discount (if any). All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
38. Column 1 Item Name indicates the type of asset to be classified.
In column 2 "Total", the value should be equal to the sum of the values of columns 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. Columns 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 show categories of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities depending on the classification, from "normal" to "loss".
Column 3 "Discount" shows the value of the unamortized discount at the reporting date for all assets.
Column 4 "Total reserves" indicates the amount of LLP (general and special) for each type of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities. The value of column 4 should be equal to the sum of the values of columns 8 and 12. Columns 8 and 12 show the amount of LLP, broken down by type into general and special.
3 §. Subsection B. "Information on the provided financing"
39. This subsection indicates the volumes, weighted average markup/income and profitability ratio, at the end of the reporting period, in percent, for the assets issued during the reporting period of the corresponding maturity category and intended purpose by currency. The volume of assets in foreign currency is indicated in som equivalent at the discount rate of the National Bank at the end of the reporting period.
40. The weighted average markup/income and the rate of return are calculated in accordance with paragraph 44 of these guidelines.
41. Lines 1-9, 11 and 12 indicate the turnover in the relevant industry.
Line 10 "Financing provided by the FCO" indicates the turnover on the assets issued by the FCO.
Line 14 "Total" indicates the total volume, weighted average markup/income and yield ratio, at the end of the reporting period, in percent, for all assets of the corresponding maturity category issued during the reporting period.
4 §. Subsection D. "Information on the provided financing by regions"
42. Information on this subsection is provided in the context of the following regions:
1) table No. 1 - for Bishkek;
2) table No. 2 - for Chui region;
3) table No. 3 - for Talas region;
4) table No. 4 - for the Issyk-Kul region;
5) table No. 5 - for the Naryn region;
6) table No. 6 - for Osh region;
7) table No. 7 - for Jalal-Abad region;
8) table No. 8 - for Batken region.
43. Column 2 lists the sectors of the economy financed by the MFC.
Column 3 "Funding Portfolio Balance at the Beginning of the Reporting Quarter" indicates the outstanding balance of financing amounts issued to customers in this industry.
Column 4 "Amount of funding provided for the reporting quarter" indicates the amount of funding provided for the reporting quarter.
Column 5 "Amount of financing provided for the reporting quarter" indicates the number of financing operations for the reporting quarter.
Column 6 "Volume of actual repayment for the reporting quarter" indicates the amount of actual repayment for the reporting quarter.
Column 7 "Funding portfolio balance at the end of the reporting quarter" indicates the balance of the financing portfolio at the end of the reporting period.
Column 8 "Weighted average markup/income, at the end of the reporting period, in %" indicates the weighted average markup/income, at the end of the reporting period, in percent.
Column 9 "Weighted average rate of return, in %" indicates the weighted average rate of return, at the end of the reporting period, in percent.
44. Below is the formula for how to calculate the weighted average markup/revenue at the end of the reporting period.
You can bring the margin / income on financing into annual terms using the following formula:
I - annual markup / income at the end of the reporting period, in percent,
D - the amount of the mark-up specified in the contract / the amount of income from financing,
PV - the amount of financing specified in the contract,
m - term of financing under the agreement (term of restructuring according to the supplementary agreement).
Weighted average markup/revenue = (X 1 / X * I 1 + X 2 / X * I 2 ) * 100
The amount of each financing transaction divided by the total amount of financing provided (the actual amount of financing from the financing portfolio) and multiplied by the annual markup / income (in percentage terms, calculated using the above formula) corresponding to this type of financing.
X is the total amount of funding provided for individual funding,
X 1 , X 2 - the amount of the financing operation at one rate of annual margin / income,
I 1 , I 2 - annual margin/income for individual financing operations.
5 §. Subsection D. "Methods of financing"
45. Column 1 lists the funding methods used by the MFC:
1) "group financing without collateral" - financing of a group of individuals under subsidiary group liability without collateral;
2) "group financing secured" - financing of a group of individuals subject to the availability of collateral;
3) "individual financing without collateral" - financing of individuals and legal entities without collateral (including guarantees);
4) "individual financing secured" - financing of individuals and legal entities subject to the availability of collateral;
5) "other" - other methods of financing not provided above;
6) "total" - the sum of assets for all methods of financing.
Column 2 "Amount" indicates the sum of the balance of all assets under a particular financing method at the reporting date.
Column 3 "Markup/revenue" indicates the annual markup/revenue for each funding method.
Column 4 "Number" indicates the number of financing transactions issued but not repaid at the reporting date, in accordance with each financing method. If financing is issued to a group of borrowers, it is necessary to indicate the number of assets placed within this group.
Column 5 "Yield rate, in %" indicates the rate of return for each method of financing, in percent.
6 §. Subsection E. "About MFC Clients"
46. This subsection provides information on the composition of MFC clients by men and women, as well as on the balance of the financing portfolio at the reporting date.
7 §. Subsection G. "Classification of financing according to the degree of risk in the context of the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic"
47. This subsection reflects the amount of balances of financing issued to local and foreign clients that are not financial institutions, subject to risk classification, as well as the amount of the formed reserve to cover it. Financing subject to risk classification and reserves formed to cover it in foreign currency are given in som equivalent at the National Bank's discount rate as of the reporting date. All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
48. The data is provided by regions of the country, depending on which regional division of the MFC provided funding.
49. The data in the item "Total reserves" must match the data in the column "Total reserves" of subsection 4 B. "Classification of assets and off-balance sheet liabilities by risk degree".
8 §. Subsection 3. "Other information by regions of the Kyrgyz Republic"
50. This subsection contains information in the context of the regions of the republic.
51. The article "Number of branches" indicates information on the total number of MFC branches broken down by regions of the republic.
The article "Number of representative offices" contains information on the total number of representative offices of the MFC, broken down by regions of the republic.
The item "Number of financing transactions" indicates the total number of MFC financing transactions provided to individuals and legal entities at the reporting date, broken down by region. Data on the number of financing transactions provided to banks and other FCOs are not included. Data on the number of financing operations must match the data in the "Total" line of Section 4 E. "Funding Methods".
The article "Number of Clients Received Funding" indicates the total number of clients - individuals and legal entities, who have committed to repay previously received funding from the MFC. Data on banks and other FCOs are not included.
The article "Number of clients from which funds were raised" indicates the total number of clients - legal entities and individuals from which funds were raised.
9 §. Subsection I. "Information on Problem Clients"
52. This subsection contains information on the ten largest delinquent assets in descending order. At the same time, assets that meet one of the following conditions are considered "problematic":
- the asset is overdue for more than 90 days;
- (repealed in accordance with the Resolution of the Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 2, 2018 No. 30/5)
- restructured two or more times;
- accounted for off-system accounting.
(As amended by the Resolution of the Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 2, 2018 No. 30/5)
53. The following table reflects:
Column 1 "Name of the organization / full name of the client" indicates the name of the client of the legal entity (the official name of the organization according to the registration documents) or the last name, first name, patronymic of the client - an individual in full, according to the passport.
Column 2 "Organization address/Customer's place of residence" shall indicate the legal and actual addresses of the client of a legal entity or the place of residence of a client of an individual by registration.
Column 3 "Telephone" indicates the telephone number of the legal entity's client or the home or mobile telephone number of the individual's client.
Column 4 "Date of issue" indicates the date of provision of financing under the financing agreement (day, month, year).
Column 5 "Date of repayment" indicates the date of repayment of financing under the financing agreement (day, month, year).
Column 6 "Amount of financing" indicates the amount of financing under the financing agreement.
Column 7 "Margin/income at the end of the reporting period, in %" indicates the annual markup/income.
Column 8 "Yield rate at the end of the reporting period, in %" indicates the rate of return under the financing agreement, in percent.
Column 9 "Purpose" indicates the target direction of financing (type of activity for which financing is provided) under the financing agreement.
Column 10 "Summary of the client's problem" lists the main causes of funding arrears.
Column 11 "Principal debt" indicates the amount owed on the principal amount of financing.
Column 12 "Markup/income" indicates the amount outstanding on the financing margin/income.
Column 13 "Rate of return" indicates the rate of return, if it was recalculated as of the current reporting date.
Column 14 "Fee" indicates the amount of interest on overdue debts.
Column 15 "Actions to collect debt" indicates the actions of the MFC to collect the client's debt.
10 §. Subsection K. "Information on Parallel Assets"
54. Column 3 "Amount" indicates the amount of the total debt of clients with parallel financing and/or loans in other FCOs.
Column 4 "Number of clients" indicates the number of clients with parallel financing and/or loans in other FCOs.
11 §. Subsection K. "Restructured Assets Carrying Credit Risk"
55. This table includes information on restructured assets that carry credit risk.
56. Column 1 "Name of the organization / full name of the client" shall indicate the name of the client of the legal entity (the official name of the company according to the registration documents) or the full name, first name, patronymic of the client of the individual, according to the passport.
57. Column 2 "Date of Issue" indicates the date on which the financing was provided under the financing contract.
Column 3 "Repayment date" indicates the date of repayment of financing under the financing agreement (day, month, year).
Column 4 "Amount of financing" indicates the amount of financing under the financing agreement.
Column 5 "Margin/income, in %" indicates the annual markup/income.
Column 6 "Yield rate, in %" indicates the rate of return on financing.
Column 7 "Purpose" indicates the target direction of financing (type of activity for which financing is provided) under the financing agreement.
Column 8 "Reason for restructuring" indicates the main reasons for the restructuring of the asset.
Column 9 "Principal" indicates the amount owed on the principal amount of financing.
Column 10 "Markup/income" indicates the amount of markup/income owed on this asset.
Column 11 "Yield rate, in %" indicates the rate of return on financing, if it was recalculated as of the current date.
Column 12 "Fee" indicates the amount of the penalty on overdue assets.
Column 13 "Date of restructuring" indicates the date of restructuring under an additional agreement (day, month, year).
Column 14 "Date of redemption" indicates the date of redemption of the restructured asset under an additional agreement (day, month, year).
Column 15 "Amount of financing" indicates the amount of the restructured asset under the additional agreement.
Column 16 "Markup/income, in %" indicates the annual markup/income on the restructured asset under an additional agreement.
Column 17 "Yield rate in %" indicates the rate of return on financing.
Column 18 "Term" indicates the period for which the fulfillment of the obligation to finance is extended, according to the additional agreement.
5. Section 5. "Customer Accounts"
(This section is to be completed by MFCs that raise funds)
1 §. Subsection A. "Accounts by amounts"
58. Data are presented in the context of Bishkek and regions of the republic, as well as depending on the amount of money in the clients' account.
59. Information by regions is presented in total. All information must be presented in thousands of soms.
60. The articles "Term accounts of legal entities" indicate the total amount of term accounts of legal entities under agreements, limited and unlimited Mudaraba.
The articles "Term accounts of individuals" indicate the total amount of term accounts of individuals under agreements, limited and unlimited Mudaraba.
2 §. Subsection B. "Movement of funds on customer accounts for the reporting period"
61. Data are presented broken down by legal entities and individuals. Information by regions is presented in total. All information must be presented in monetary units - thousands of soms. Information about accounts in foreign currency is given in the equivalent of the national currency at the official exchange rate of the National Bank as of the reporting date,
3 §. Subsection B. "Accounts by Maturity"
62. The subsection provides information on the number and total volume of accounts of legal entities and individuals in the MFC by their maturity dates.
6. Section 6 "Sensitivity Analysis of MFC Assets and Liabilities to Changes in Rates of Return (GAP Analysis) and Their Maturity"
1 §. Subsection A. "Analysis of the sensitivity of assets and liabilities to changes in rates of return (GAP analysis)"
63 This subsection is used to assess rate of return risk by measuring the difference between assets and liabilities that are sensitive to changes in rates of return.
64. Rate-sensitive assets are the monetary value of assets that revalue within a specified period of time due to changes in market rates, or that mature within a specified period of time. Yield sensitive liabilities include the monetary value of liabilities that reprice over a specified period of time due to changes in market rates of return, or that mature within a specified period of time.
65. The purpose of this report is to establish the gap in different periods of time between assets and liabilities that are sensitive to changes in rates of return. This gap analysis is one of the methods for determining the MFC's sensitivity to changes in market rates of return.
66. The current carrying amount of all assets and liabilities that are sensitive to changes in rates of return should be reflected in the appropriate periods based on the earlier of two dates: 1) the number of days before the date when MFC is required to revalue (change the rate of market and/or in accordance with early agreement) assets/liabilities, or 2) the number of days to maturity.
67. Items 5 and 10 identify all other assets and liabilities that are sensitive to changes in rates of return and are not included elsewhere in this subsection.
Articles 12 and 13 are calculated for each period of time; data in foreign currency are given in som equivalent at the policy rate of the National Bank as of the reporting date. All amounts must be shown in thousands of soms.
Article 12 "Gap" indicates the difference between assets and liabilities by maturity.
Article 13 "Cumulative gap" indicates the amount of gaps by maturity with a cumulative total. For example: the cumulative gap value in the "immediate" column is equal to the gap value in the "immediate" column, and the cumulative gap value in the "1-30 days" column is equal to the sum of the gap values in the "immediate" and "1-30 days" columns, and so on Similarly.
2 §. Subsection B. Maturity of assets/liabilities
68. This subsection records all assets (excluding special LLP) and liabilities based on the number of days remaining until the maturity of the asset or liability, regardless of the original date the asset or liability arose.
69. The purpose of this report is to identify maturities mismatches between assets and liabilities and their impact on MFC's liquidity position going forward. This subsection is used as one of the tools for determining MFC's liquidity position at the reporting date. This report includes all assets and liabilities. The current carrying amount of all assets and liabilities must be entered in the appropriate boxes based on the number of days to maturity.
70. If payments on provided financing are overdue for a period of 30 to 60 days and / or financing has been restructured twice, it should be classified in the category “from 181 to 365 days”. If disbursements of the provided funding are overdue by more than 60 days and/or the funding has been restructured more than twice and/or the funding is in non-accrual status, it should be categorized as "more than 3 years".
(As amended by the Resolution of the Committee of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 2, 2018 No. 30/5)
71. Items 5 and 10 list all other assets and liabilities by maturity that are not included elsewhere in this subsection.
Article 6 minus the special LLP should be equal to line 15 of subsection A. Assets of section 1. "Statement of financial position". Line 11 should be equal to line 23 of subsection B. "Liabilities" of section 1. "Statement of financial position".
Articles 12 and 13 are calculated for each time period. All amounts must be shown in thousands of soms.
Article 12 "Gap" indicates the difference between assets and liabilities by maturity.
Article 13 "Cumulative gap" indicates the amount of gaps by maturity with a cumulative total. For example, the cumulative gap value in the "immediate" column is equal to the sum of the gap values in the "immediate" column, and the cumulative gap value in the "1-30 days" column is equal to the sum of the gap values in the "immediate" and "1-30 days" columns, and further by analogy.
7. Section 7. "Changes to the LRP"
1 §. Subsection A. "Changes to the LRP"
72. Article 1 "LLP balance at the beginning of the reporting period, total" indicates the balance on the LLP account at the beginning of the current year, including:
1) "special reserves" - the amount of special LLP for classified assets at the beginning of the year.
2) "general reserves" - the amount of total LLP created to cover potential losses on unclassified assets at the beginning of the year.
Item 2, “(Plus) Assets Recovered (Same Collateral Repossessed by MFC)” indicates the amount by which the absolute value of LLP is reduced by the return of assets previously written off.
Item 3 "(Minus) assets written off" indicates the amount by which the balance of the LLP account is reduced as a result of the write-off of assets classified as losses.
Article 4 "Deductions to LLP from the beginning of the year" indicates the amount of deductions actually made during the current year to LLP.
Item 5 "Adjustment" states the net amount of all changes in the corresponding LLP amount at the end of the reporting period. If this figure is negative, the amount must be indicated in brackets.
Article 6 "Balance of LLP at the end of the reporting period, total" indicates an amount equal to the sum of articles 1, 2, 4, 5 minus article 3 in the context of special and general LLP.
2 §. Subsection B. "Information on assets written off at the expense of LLP and returned (previously written off) assets and off-balance sheet liabilities"
73. This subsection reflects information on assets that have been written off at the expense of LLP since the beginning of the current year, as well as returned (earlier written off) assets for the current year, in soms (columns 2, 4, 6) and foreign currency in soms equivalent at the policy rate of the National Bank as of the reporting date (columns 3, 5, 7).
74. Financing provided to clients should be allocated by sector of the economy in accordance with the purpose for which the client uses the funds received, and not according to its main profile of activity or type of business. Write-offs and returns must be entered in the appropriate columns and rows. The net write-off amount is calculated automatically. All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
75. In column 1 "Item", lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 list assets and off-balance sheet liabilities written off at the expense of LLP and returned (previously written off).
Items 1 "Financing provided to financial and credit institutions" and 2 "Financing provided to other clients" indicate the cost of financing (minus the value of the unamortized discount) without deducting LLP.
Item 6 "Other assets" indicates all assets not listed above, but which have been written off at the expense of LLP since the beginning of the current year or returned (previously written off) for the current year.
Columns 2 and 3 "Write-off - A" indicate the amounts of written-off assets and off-balance sheet liabilities at the expense of LLP.
Columns 4 and 5 "Return - B" indicate the amounts of assets returned to LLP and off-balance sheet liabilities that were previously written off.
Columns 6 and 7 "Net write-off" indicate the difference between the amounts of assets written off and returned and off-balance sheet liabilities, which determines the net income (loss) from the return of previously written-off assets and off-balance sheet liabilities.
8. Section 8. "Information about major risks"
1 §. Subsection A. “Major Risk Information”
76. The section reflects the largest total debts of MFC clients at their nominal value at the reporting date (hereinafter referred to as “financing” in this section). The amount of financing must be indicated in their face value. All amounts must be indicated in thousands of soms.
77. Column 2, Name of the Borrower, indicates the name of each MFC client (the company's official name as per registration documents issued by a government agency, or the full name of an individual).
Column 3 "Group" should indicate each member of the group considered as one group. Each funding transaction from such a group must be listed on a separate line. Example: If individual "A" and two related companies have three funding transactions that together constitute a major asset (one group), then the number "1" would be assigned to the first, second and third funding. If the next large financing was provided to another client, then this financing will be assigned the number "2".
In fact, this funding will look like this:
Client name Group number
1. Full name of client "A" 1
2. Client company "A" 1
3. Client company "A" 1
4. Client "B" 2
The transactions pertaining to each customer are listed in columns 4 and 7.
The markup/revenue for the respective transactions is shown in columns 5 and 8.
The total debt of each client, equal to the sum of columns 4 and 7, is indicated in column 9.
The duration (maturity) of a client's debt in arrears on the principal amount of financing issued by the MFC is indicated in column 10 "Assets in arrears, days". This position is indicated in days, starting from the date when the financing began to be considered overdue and up to the reporting date.
2 §. Subsection B. "General information about transactions with affiliates"
78. Column 2, Name of Affiliate, shall indicate the name of the MFC affiliate to which the financing and other equivalent assets were provided.
Columns 3 and 4 "Amount of transaction" and "Type of transaction" indicate the amount and type of transaction carried out with the affiliate.
Columns 5 and 6 "Operation Start Date" and "Operation Date and End Date" indicate the start and end dates of the operation.
Columns 7 and 8 "Markup/income, in %" and "Yield rate, in %" indicate the annual markup/income and the profitability ratio for the operation, in percent.
Columns 9 and 10 "Pledge" and "Owner of the pledge" indicate the type of pledge and the person who provided the pledge.
Column 11 "Conditions of the transaction" indicates the conditions for conducting transactions with an affiliate.
3 §. B. "Loans from founders/shareholders"
79. Column 2 "Founder/shareholder" indicates the founder/shareholder of the MFC in full.
Column 3 "Amount" indicates the amount of financing under the contract.
Column 4 "Date of issue" indicates the date of provision of financing under the agreement (day, month, year).
Column 5 "Date of repayment" indicates the date of repayment of financing under the agreement (day, month, year).
Column 6, Remaining Funds, indicates the remaining amount of funding provided by MFC's founder/shareholder.
Column 7 "Margin/expense" indicates the annual margin/expense for financing according to the contract.
Column 8 "Currency" indicates the currency in which the funding was provided.
Column 9 "Other conditions" indicates other additional conditions for this financing.
9. Section 9. "Information about transactions with employees"
80. This section contains information on financing and similar assets issued by the MFC to its employees. MFC's funding and similar assets must be stated at their nominal value.
81. Column 2 "Name of the employee" indicates the full name of the employees.
The procedure for completing this section is similar to the procedure for completing Section 8. Major Risk Information.
10. Section 10 Economic Compliance Information
82. This section is filled out in accordance with the Rules for Regulating the Activities of Microfinance Companies Carrying out Operations on Islamic Principles of Banking and Financing, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank dated May 30, 2014 No. 24/11.
11. Section 11. "Information on financing provided to clients"
83. This section provides statistical information on the financing portfolio. This information is compiled on a consolidated basis, as well as broken down by regions.
84. The weighted average rate of return is calculated in accordance with the Regulation "On the calculation of the effective interest rate when distributing information on the amount of remuneration for banking services", approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank dated August 27, 2008 No. 33/4 and paragraph 44 of these guidelines.
1 §. "Information about financing conditions"
85. This form provides information on the method of financing and the terms of its repayment, as well as the requirements for collateral, that is, information on the main collateral, additional collateral and terms of redemption.
2 §. "Information about the personnel of the MFC"
86. This section provides additional information on the number of employees, salary levels, and departments of the MFC.
87. Article 1 "Registered number of personnel, employees" indicates the actual number of employed employees, as well as those on vacation (for example, on leave to care for a child under 3 years old). In addition, the number of fixed-term employees working under a contract should be indicated if they are not employees of other organizations. Summing up the number of employees for each calendar day of the reporting quarter, and dividing this figure by the number of calendar days in the quarter, we determine the average number of employees.
Article 2 "Number of employees used in calculating the average salary and other average indicators of employees" indicates the number of employees who worked during the reporting period. The number of employees who are part-time or hired to perform a specific task is calculated in proportion to the actual hours worked: the number of man-hours worked in the reporting month, first divided by the length of the working day (in hours) and then divided by the number of working days in the reporting month.
Article 3 "Wage Fund (including financial assistance and social benefits, in thousands of soms)" indicates the amount for payment of salaries, including the basic salary, salary supplements, remuneration and other payments.
12. Section 12. "Disclosures"
1 §. Subsection A. "Information on the provision of retail banking services under an agency agreement with a bank"
88. Column 2 "Name of the bank" shall indicate the name of the commercial banks with which retail banking services are provided under an agency agreement.
Column 3 "Transfer system" indicates the type of transactions, i.e. name of the translation system.
Column 4 "Number of transactions" indicates the number of transactions carried out under the agency agreement for the reporting period.
Column 5 "Volume of transactions, total, since the beginning of the year" indicates the total amount of transactions carried out by the MFC with an accrual total since the beginning of the year in som equivalent.
Column 6 "Including for the reporting period" indicates the amount of transactions carried out by the MFC through the transfer system for the reporting period.
2 §. Subsection B. "Transcription of operations with financial financial institutions and investments"
89. Column 3 "Name of the organization" indicates the organization in which the investments / investments are made, broken down by the following items:
1) cash on accounts in financial institutions, including banks;
2) investments and financial participation;
3) government securities. Government securities The data is broken down into government treasury bills, government treasury bonds. MFC has the right to invest funds in government securities if they comply with Shariah standards.
Columns 4, 7 "Balance at the beginning of the reporting period" and "Balance at the end of the reporting period" indicate the balance of funds on operations at the beginning of the reporting period and at the end of the reporting period, respectively.
Column 5 "Increase in cash in accounts or investments during the reporting period" indicates the increase in cash in accounts or investments during the reporting period.
Column 6 "Decrease in cash in accounts or investments during the reporting period" indicates the decrease in cash in accounts or investments during the reporting period.
Column 8 "Weighted average markup/income, at the end of the reporting period, in %" indicates the weighted average markup/income, in percent, on cash on accounts and investments in a financial institution.
Column 9 "Yield rate at the end of the reporting period, in %" indicates the weighted average rate of return, in percent, for cash on accounts and investments in a financial institution.
13. Section 13. "Report on foreign assets and liabilities"
90. This section includes statistical information about MFC's assets abroad and MFC's liabilities to nonresidents.
The report on a private debt obligation to foreign investors consists of two forms: Form No. 1-ND and Form No. 2-ND.
1 §. Form No. 1-ND "Data on private debt/accounts payable"
91. Form No. 1-ND "Data on private debt / accounts payable" is filled out once within 10 working days from the date of signing the agreement, for each financing operation separately.
92. Basic information on the MFC includes the following information:
1) "Name of the client (resident) - OKPO of the originator of the document" indicates the full official name of the MFC and the code of the republican codifier of enterprises and organizations of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic;
2) "Name of the client (resident) - the compiler of the document" indicates the full official name of the MFC;
3) "Territory (region, district, city, settlement)":
a) "region" - the name of the region where the head office of the MFC is located;
b) "district" - the name of the district where the head office of the MFC is located;
c) "city or locality" - the name of the city or locality where the head office of the MFC is located;
4) "Address (zip code, street, house number)":
a) "postal code" - the index of the post office;
b) "street, house number" - indicate the name of the street and the number of the building of the head office;
5) "type of economic activity" - the type of economic activity is indicated;
6) "telephone" - the official telephone number of the MFC is indicated;
7) "fax" - indicates the official fax number of the MFC;
8) "e-mail" - indicates the official e-mail address of the MFC.
93. The statement of private debt/accounts payable states:
1) "financing transaction code" - assigned by the National Bank;
2) "type of client" - the type of client is indicated in the corresponding line from the listed list;
3) "sector of the economy" - the sector of the economy to which the reporting MFC belongs is selected from the list;
4) "type of contract" - the type of contract is indicated, if the type of contract is not indicated in this paragraph, then describe it in the notes, clause 18;
5) "payment of payments is made" - it is indicated in what form payments of the principal amount from the above list are made, if this paragraph does not indicate the type of payment of the principal amount, then describe it in the notes, paragraph 18;
6) "principal repayment" - indicates the grace period of the financing operation in months, the first and last payments of the principal amount provided for by the schedule and the number of payments per year to repay the principal debt on a loan or securities;
7) "name of the creditor/holder" - the full name of the creditor is indicated, if subparagraph 4 of paragraph 4 was indicated, then this paragraph indicates the name of the account holder;
8) "country" - the country of the creditor is indicated;
9) "type of creditor/holder" - indicates the type of creditor or holder of the security, if the funds were raised by selling the security to a non-resident;
10) "type of investor" - this paragraph indicates whether the creditor is a direct foreign investor or not;
11) "date of signing the agreement" - the date of signing the financing agreement between the client and the creditor or the agreement on the supply of goods and services between the buyer and the supplier in the case of a trade transaction;
12) "amount of financing/raised funds/accounts payable" - if the form is filled out for initial financing, then subparagraph 1 indicates only the total amount of financing/raised funds/accounts payable (or the nominal value of the security) provided in accordance with the terms of the agreement on financing/contract for the supply of goods and services. If the form is being filled out for restructured debt, then subparagraph 1 indicates the total amount of financing, in accordance with the agreement to restructure (or reschedule) the financing, highlighting the overdue principal and markup/expense that were rescheduled. And in subparagraph 2, the code of the initially provided financing assigned by the National Bank is indicated, the overdue amounts of which are restructured;
13) "currency of financing / borrowed funds / accounts payable" - the currency in which the obligations of the client / buyer to the creditor / supplier of goods and services (account holder or buyer of the security) are expressed in accordance with the terms of the financing agreement / contract for the supply of goods and services;
14) "mark-up/expense" - the mark-up/expense paid on the received financing or delivery of goods and services is indicated;
15) "markup/expense repayment date" - indicates the dates of the first and last payments to repay the accrued markup/expense, as well as the number of payments for the markup/expense within one year, according to the schedule;
16) "rate of commission payments" - indicates the rate of commissions paid to the creditor on the amount of financing;
17) "servicing a debt obligation" - indicates the actual payments on account of repayment of the principal amount on the loan/accounts payable and accrued markups/expenses from the beginning of receiving financing until the reporting period.
Note: The reliability and correctness of the specified data is confirmed by the head and chief accountant with the signatures and seal of the MFC.
2 §. Form No. 2-ND "Data on servicing debt/accounts payable"
94. This form is completed by MFC on a quarterly basis and is due no later than the 20th of the month following the reporting quarter.
95. Basic information about the MFC form No. 2-ND is filled in similarly to form No. 1-ND "Data on private debt/accounts payable".
96. In the tables, all data are given for each financing operation separately in the currency in which the financing was provided.
Unit of measurement: thousands of monetary units (for example, thousands of soms, thousands of US dollars, thousands of rubles).
3 §. Table 1 "Report on servicing a private debt obligation"
97. The report provides data on the actual servicing of debt/accounts payable.
In the column "Funding Transaction Code" is assigned by the National Bank.
The "Funding Currency" column indicates the currency in which the funding was received.
The column "At the beginning of the period, total debt" indicates the amount of debt/accumulated accounts payable at the beginning of the reporting period.
In the group of columns "Changes for the period" changes for the reporting quarter are indicated:
1) in column group "received":
- the column "goods, equipment" indicates the amount of goods and equipment in monetary terms, provided by a foreign investor on credit;
- the column "services" indicates the amount of services in monetary terms, provided by a foreign investor on credit;
- in the column "in cash" shall be indicated the amount provided by the foreign investor in cash;
2) in the "redeemed" column group:
- in the "principal amount" column, the principal amount paid in the reporting period;
- in the column "margins/expenses" the paid margin/expenses in the reporting period;
3) in the "overdue" column group:
- in the "principal amount" column, MFC's outstanding debt for the principal amount in the reporting period is indicated;
- in the column "margin/expense" the outstanding debt of the MFC on the payment of margin/expense in the reporting period is indicated.
The column "At the end of the period, total debt" indicates the amount of debt / accumulated accounts payable, which is calculated using the following formula:
"At the end of the period, total debt" = "At the beginning of the period, total debt" + "Received (total goods, equipment, services, in cash)" - "Principal repaid" + "Principal overdue".
4 §. Table 2 "Principal payments (forecast)"
98. This table reflects forecast data on payments on principal/accounts payable according to the repayment schedule for financing/contracts for the supply of goods and services, starting from the quarter following the reporting one.
5 §. Table 3 "Payments of markups/costs for financing (forecast)"
99. The table reflects forecast data on markup/expense/accounts payable according to the schedule of the financing agreement/contract for the supply of goods and services, starting from the quarter following the reporting one.
Note: The reliability and correctness of the specified data is confirmed by the head and chief accountant with the signatures and seal of the MFC.
6 §. Form "Notification of an account opened with a foreign bank"
100. This form contains information about an account opened with a foreign bank, indicating the details of this bank and the details of the MFC, as well as detailed information about the account being opened.
101. The "full name" field shall indicate the full official name of the bank in which the account is opened, which reflects the placed funds of the MFC.
In the field "full legal address, including telephone, fax and E-mail" indicate the full legal address of the bank and the official telephone and fax numbers and the official e-mail address of the bank in which the account is opened.
In paragraph 1 "Date of opening an account" indicates the date of opening an account with a bank.
In paragraph 2 "Account type" indicates the type of bank account.
In paragraph 3 "Currency of the account" the currency of the bank account is indicated.
Additional information states the following:
Clause 1 "Full name of the resident (full name of the individual) opening the account" indicates the full official name of the MFC.
In paragraph 2 "Legal (home) address" the full official address of the MFC is indicated, indicating the phone number, fax, E-mail.
Clause 3 "Form of ownership" indicates the form of ownership of the MFC.
In paragraph 4 "Number of the certificate of state registration" - the number of the certificate of state registration of the MFC in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic is indicated.
7 §. Data on the balances of funds on accounts in a foreign bank
102. The data on the balances of funds on accounts in foreign banks shall indicate the currency of the account, the details of the MFC and the bank in which the account is opened.
103. Data are completed by MFC on a quarterly basis and are provided no later than the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter.
The line "For ______ quarter of ______ year" indicates the quarter for which the report is provided.
The line "Name of the resident" indicates the full official name of the MFC.
The line "Name of the bank" shall indicate the full official name of the foreign bank in which the account is opened.
In the line "Country" - indicate the country of the foreign bank in which the account is opened.
The line "Account currency" indicates the currency in which the account is opened.
Changes for the reporting period:
1) "balance at the beginning of the period" - the balance at the beginning is indicated in thousands of units of the account currency and in thousands of US dollars;
2) "balance at the end of the period" - indicates the balance at the end in thousands of units of the account currency and in thousands of US dollars.