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Collection coins of the series «Age of the Kyrgyz kaganate»  


The main plot of the obverse of the silver coin «Household items: Kyrgyz vase» is the image of three Kyrgyz vases against the national ornaments. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription with the name of the coin “Кыргыз кумурасы / Kyrgyz vase”. The alloy of metal (Ag 925°) and the weight of the coin (28.28g) are specified on the right part of the coin. The face value of the coin (10 Som) is given in the lower part of the coin.  

The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic against the stylized vases in combination with the Kyrgyz national ornaments is depicted in the center of the reverse side of the coin. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription “Улуу Кыргыз каганаты” (“Great Kyrgyz kaganate”). The year of issue (2019) is given in the lower part of the coin.  

The main plot of the obverse of the silver coin «Household items: Kyrgyz clothing items, jewelry» is the image of a girl with an earring depicted using stylized ornaments and pendants made in color printing. On the left part of the coin there is an inscription made by the Orkhon-Yenisei runic script being translated as “Kyrgyz state”. The alloy of metal (Ag 925°), the name of the coin “Сырга/Earring”, the weight (28.28g) and the face value of the coin (10 Som) are specified on the right part of the coin.  

The main plot of the reverse side of the coin is a stylized element of an earring with imitation of an insert made of precious stones and coral pendants. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is in the center of the coin, the year of issue (2019) is given on the right part of the coin.  

The main theme of the obverse of the coin «Yurta - Kyrgyz house» is the image of Yurt. The upper part of the coin depicts an inscription with the name of the coin «Боз үй» («Yurt»). The face value of the coin and the sign of the national currency - Som, that consists of the capital letter of the official monetary unit of the Kyrgyz Republic with the low line means the stability of the national currency, are specified at the bottom of the coin. 

On the reverse side of the coin there is the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic in the center against the background of the stylized construction of the yurt. The bottom of the coin depits the year of coin issue (2018). 

The main plot of the obverse side of the silver coin «Heavily armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate» is the image of a heavily armed warrior, made by the local oxidation technology. The coin circumference shows an inscription with the name of the coin: «Кыргыз каганатынын шайма-шай куралданган жоокери» («Heavily armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate»). The denomination of the coin (10 сом) is specified on the left side of the coin. 

The reverse side of the coin depicts the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic in the center framed by a stylized image of the sun, the coin circumference shows the stylized depictions of warriors. The left part of the coin specifies alloy of metal (Ag 925°), the right part - the weight of the coin (28.28). The upper part of the coin gives an inscription: «Улуу Кыргыз каганаты» («Age of the Kyrgyz kaganate») and the lower part of the coin - the year of coin issue (2017). 

Collection coin «Lightly armed warrior of the Kyrgyz Kaganate» is the fourth coin issued in the series «Age of the Kyrgyz Kaganate» to commemorate the 1170th anniversary of the Great Kyrgyz Kaganate. The main element of the front side of the coin is an image of a lightly armed warrior-archer against the stylized images of warriors executed by the local oxidation technology. The coin circumference is provided with an inscription of the coin name «Легковооруженный воин Кыргызского каганата/ Кыргыз каганатынын жеңил куралданган жоокери». The denomination of the coin (10 som) is at the bottom. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is depicted in the center of the reverse side of the coin, the coin circumference is provided with the stylized images of warriors-archers. The alloy of metal (Ag 925°) is specified on the left side, the weight of the coin (28, 28 g) is given on the right side. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription »Улуу Кыргыз каганаты» («Great Kyrgyz Kaganate»), and the year of coin issue (2016) is at the bottom. 

The main element of the observe of the coin «Tamga» is made from gold - the generic sign of the Kyrgyz people. Composition of the coins reflects the territorial distribution of the Kyrgyz people influence in the period of prosperity of the Kyrgyz kaganat stretching from Siberia to Central Asia: these are horns of Mother-Deer, Altaic trees and pines, the army of the Kyrgyz kaganate on the background of the contours of the mountains against the blue sky. In the foreground there is a vertical inscription “Tamga”, the metal alloy is specified on the left side of the coin, and the weight of the coin is specified in its right side. The denomination of the coin is at the bottom part. The national emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic in the form of the sun is on the reverse side of the coin in the center of ornamental patterns. Different variations of a common Kyrgyz tamga, which belong to the tribes and clans of the Kyrgyz people, are depicted circle-wise on the coin. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription “Улуу Кыргыз каганаты” (“Great Kyrgyz kaganate”), and on the bottom part  the year of issue (2015). 

The main element of the front side of the coin «Barsbek - Kyrgyz people kagan» is the image of the Kyrgyz soldier dressed in a military armor, mounted on a horse. The soldier is a generalized image of the Kyrgyz kagan Barsbek, who contributed to formation and strengthening of the Kyrgyz national identity. His numerous army is on the background, and at the top of the coin there is the cloud in the sky in the form of the head of a leopard - kagan allegorical image. All composition is framed by an inscription «Barsbek - Kyrgyz people kagan» and the fragment of a solar disk symbolizing the period of blossom and glory of Barsbek. The national emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic is on the reverse side of the coin in the center of the ornamental disks. Ornamental disks symbolize the sun and movement, are unifying elements for the front and reverse sides of the coin. 

«Great Kyrgyz kaganate» - the first coin of the series «Age of the Kyrgyz kaganate». The main element of the foreground side of the coin is local gilding Tamga - a symbol of the Kyrgyz people, which was mentioned in the Chinese annals in VII c. In the background is placed the stylized map of the primary territory where the Kyrgyz, lived until the period of great- power, and the four galloping horsemen mean expanding the boundaries of the state. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription, made of Orhon- Yenisei Runic writing, which translates as «Kyrgyz state». The main element of the reverse side of the coin is the national emblem placed in the center of the image of a stylized eagle. 

The designs of «Barsbek - Kyrgyz people kagan», «Lightly armed warrior of the Kyrgyz Kaganate», «Heavily armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate», and «Yurta - Kyrgyz house» copper-nickel coins in face value 1 som are the same as designs the silver coins in face value 10 som.   

Specifications of coins  








Issue limit 


Price (Som)  

Household items: Kyrgyz vase 

10 som  

Ag 925°  


38,61 mm   


1 000  

2 650 

Household items: Kyrgyz clothing items, jewelry 

10 som  

Ag 925°  


38,61 mm   


1 000  

2 650 

Household items: Kyrgyz clothing items, jewelry 

1 som   



30,00 mm   




Yurta - Kyrgyz house 

1 som   



30,00 mm   




Heavily armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate  

10 som  

Ag 925°  


38,61 mm   


1 000  

3 000  

Heavily armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate  

1 som   



30,00 mm   


5 000  

realization is completed  

Lightly armed warrior of the Kyrgyz Kaganate  

10 som  

Ag 925°  


38,61 mm   


1 000  

realization is completed 

Lightly armed warrior of the Kyrgyz Kaganate  

1 som   



30,00 mm   


4 000  

realization is completed  

Tamga - the symbol of the unity of the Kyrgyz kaganate  

10 Som   

Ag 925°   


38.60 mm   


1 000   

2 600  

Barsbek - Kyrgyz people kagan  

10 Som   

Ag 925°   


38,60 mm   


2 000   

realization is completed  

Barsbek - Kyrgyz people kagan  

1 Som   



30,00 mm   

brilliant  uncirculated   

5 000   

realization is completed  

Great Kyrgyz kaganate  

10 Som   

Ag 925°/ Au 999°   


38.60 mm   


2 000   

2 200  

The coins have the status of the legal tender in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Each coin with a certificate is placed in addition into a separate box.