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“Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan” OJSC, operator of the “Narodniy perevod” local money transfer system, was registered on November 12, 2015 with the register of operators rendering services on money transfer systems on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic under No. 1037121115 


According to the “Rules on committing money transfers through money transfer systems in the Kyrgyz Republic” (amendments are made according to the Resolution No. 59/6 dated September 30 of the Board of NBKR), “Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan” OJSC, operator of the “Narodniy perevod” local money transfer system, was registered on November 12, 2015 with the register of operators rendering services on money transfer systems on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic under No. 1037121115.  


As consistent with the Resolution No. 65/2 dated November 02, 2015 of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, commercial banks and money transfer systems operators were extended the term on meeting the requirements for issuing of electronic money until March 1, 2016 according to the Provision “On electronic money in the Kyrgyz Republic” 

At the same time, payment system operators must cease issuing new electronic money and registering new customers on the entry into force of the above-mentioned resolution and implement requirements of the Provision “On electronic money in the Kyrgyz Republic” with regard to processing, distribution, identification of customers, establishing of limits, conversion of electronic money into cash etc. 

If you have any questions, please call: 66 91 05, 66 91 09 



Licenses/certificates have been issued to the following nonbank financial-credit institutions and exchange offices


1. “Sogdiana plus” LLC (license No. 5403 dated November 20, 2015 for carrying out of exchange operations with foreign currency in cash). Address: Kochkor-Ata town, Nooken region, Jalal-Abad city (reference point: 4th premise, 1st row, entrance from the southern part, central market). 

2. “NURDAN COMPANY LTD” LLC (license No. 5402 dated November 16, 2015 for carrying out of exchange operations with foreign currency in cash). Registration number of the exchange office No. 3369. Address: Apt. 64, 24 Kalyk Akieva Street, Bishkek city

3. Additional exchange office “Obmen KG” LLC was registered (license No. 5225 dated March 25, 2015 for carrying out of exchange operations with foreign currency in cash, Registration number of the exchange office No. 3370 dated November 18, 2015), Address: (room No. 2/13) 150 Abdrakhmanov Street, Bishkek city. 

4. “Adal Finance” MCA PF (certificate of record registration of the microcredit agency No. 210 dated November 6, 2015). Address: 403 Zhibek Zholu Street, Bishkek city.  


Licenses/certificates of the following nonbank financial-credit institutions and exchange offices have been cancelled/revoked


1. Individual Entrepreneur Irina Borisovna Ezafovich (license No. 5065 dated November 16, 2015 for carrying out of exchange operations with foreign currency in cash). Registration number of the exchange office No. 3051. Address: 44 Chui Avenue, Bishkek city. 

2. Individual Entrepreneur Abdulkhamit Abdumutalibovich Tashpolotov (license No. 5065 dated November 16, 2015 for carrying out of exchange operations with foreign currency in cash). Address: stall No. 3, Central Market, Nookat town, Osh oblast.