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The publication of the financial statements and data on accomplishment of economic standard rates by commercial banks for the I quarter 2020 


Name of the bank  

Statement forms  

Printing edition 


Number and date 

Commercial bank «KYRGYZSTAN»  OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Economika. Banki. Business 

№4 (569), 14.05.2020 y. 

«Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan»  OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№14 (869), 21.05.2020 у. 

«Keremet bank» OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 

«Kyrgyzkommertsbank»  OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№17 (872), 25.06.2020 y. 

«EcoIslamicBank»  CJSC 

F1, F1`, F2, F2`, F4, ES & A 

Economika. Banki. Business 

№4 (569), 14.05.2020 y. 

«Tolubay» CJSB JSCB 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№11 (866), 17.04.2020 y. 

«Eurasian Savings Bank» OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


«Demir Kyrgyz International Bank»  CJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№13 (868), 20.05.2020 y. 


«OptimaBank» OJSC  

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Erkin Too 

№44 (3116), 09.06.2020 y. 


«RSK Bank» OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№17 (872), 25.06.2020 y. 


«Bank of Asia» CJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 



F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


«Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank» CJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№3 (858), 30.01.2020 y. 


Bishkek branch of the National bank of Pakistan   

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Economika. Banki. Business 

№4 (569), 04.05.2020 y. 


«Finance Credit Bank KAB» OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020y. 


«Aiyl Bank» OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


«Kapital Bank» OJSC 

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


Bank «Bai Tushum» CJSC  

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№11 (866), 17.04.2020 y. 


«Kyrgyz Swiss Bank» CJSC  

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№13 (868), 20.05.2020 y. 


«Finca Bank» CJSC  

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Obshestvennyy rating 

№12 (867), 30.04.2020 y. 


«Kompanion Bank» CJSC  

F1, F2, F3, F4, ES & A 

Economika. Banki. Business 

№5, 03.06.2020 y. 



F1 Statement on a financial condition on the balance sheet; F2 the Profit and loss statement; F3 the Cash flow statement; F4 the Statement on changes in a capital structure; ES economic standard; F1 the Report on a financial condition on the balance sheet by results of the transactions performed by the Islamic principles of financing; F2 the Profit and loss statement by results of the transactions performed by the Islamic principles of financing; A appendices to the financial reporting, reflecting the additional information about bank activities. According to the Resolution of Board of NBKR No. 21/4 of July 9, 2003, F1, F2 are obligatory for the publication in case of the quarter reporting, F3, F4 are published at the discretion of bank.