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Collection coin of the series «Historical events»   


The main element of the obverse side of the coin “100 Years of Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region” is an image of the logo of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region in the form of a stylized digit “100”, symbolizing the Ala-Too Mountains, national ornament and infinity, as well as the inscription “жыл” (years). A stylized image of a snow leopard (Ilbirs) - the national symbol of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the denomination of the coin “10 сом” are depicted at the bottom of the coin. The Ala-Too Mountains are shown at the top of the coin. The coin circumference is provided with an inscription: “Кара-Кыргыз автономиялуу облусу / Кара-Кыргызской автономной области 100 лет” (100 Years of Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region).  

The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic framed by stylized images of flowers growing in the Ala-Too Mountains is depicted on the reverse side of the coin. In the left and right side of the coin there is an inscription: “Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы / Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики” (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic). The year of issue “2024”, metal alloy (Ag 925) and weight of the coin (28.28 g) are specified at the bottom of the coin. 


The main plot of the obverse of the "10 years of the Eurasian Economic Union" coin is the EAEU official emblem, around which there are images of the flags of the EAEU member countries made by color printing, as well as the elements of the EAEU emblem symbolizing the dynamics and development. The EAEU anniversary date "10 жыл" ("10 years") is depicted on the left side of the coin. The inscription: "Евразия экономикалык бирлиги / Евразийский экономический союз (Eurasian Economic Union)" is placed around the coin circumference. 

The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is in the center of the reverse of the coin. The right side of the coin contains the national ornaments of the EAEU member countries, as well as the metal alloy (Ag 925) and the weight of the coin (31.10 g). The inscription: "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы / Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики (The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic)" is in the upper and lower part of the coin. The denomination of the coin (10), the graphical sign of som (C) and the year of coin issue "2024" are shown in the left part of the coin. 


The main plot of the obverse of the coin "30 years of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic" is a stylized image of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic made by color printing. The inscription: "Кыргыз Республикасынын Конституциясына - 30 жыл / Конституции Кыргызской Республики - 30 лет (30 years of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic)", as well as the denomination of the coin and the graphical sign of som (5 C) are depicted in the left side of the coin. 

 A stylized image of a book spread is the main plot of the reverse of the coin. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is in the center of the coin. The inscriptions: "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" and "Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики (The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic)" are depicted in the left and right sides of the coin. The year of coin issue (2023) is specified at the bottom of the coin, in the left side. 


The main theme of the obverse side of the "30 years of Som" coin is the number "30" and the graphic sign of Som "с" against the background of the image of banknotes fragments of various years of issue. Images of circulation coins are depicted on the right and left sides of the coin. The upper part of the coin contains an inscription with the coin name: "Сомго 30 жыл / Сому - 30 лет" (30 years of Som). The lower part of the coin displays the alloy of metal (Ag 925), the weight of the coin (28.28g) and the denomination of the coin (10 Som). 

 On the reverse side of the coin, there is the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic against the background of the stylized national pattern used on the first paper tyiyns of the independent Kyrgyzstan. The coin circumference is provided with an inscription: "Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики /Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" (The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic). The year of coin issue (2023) is specified at the bottom of the coin. 


The main plot of the obverse side of the "Household item: tai-tuyak" coin is the picture of tai-tuyak: at the top of the coin, there is an inscription with the name of coin: "Tai-tuyak", as well as the alloy of metal (Ag 925) and the weight of the coin (500 g). The denomination of the coin (500 Som) is specified at the bottom of the coin. 

 The main plot of the reverse side of the coin is the Kyrgyz Mountains and the traditional Kyrgyz ornament on the fragment of a household item, and the overall combination conveys the main idea that connects the past and the present. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is depicted in the center of the coin. The coin circumference is provided with an inscription: "Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики / Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" (The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic). The year of coin issue (2023) is specified at the bottom of the coin. 


The main plot of the obverse of the silver coin "30 years of the Commonwealth of Independent States" is the image of the CIS emblem. The denomination of the coin "10 Som" is specified at the bottom of the coin. The inscription with the name of the coin "Көз карандысыз Мамлекеттердин Шериктештигине - 30 жыл / Содружеству Независимых Государств - 30 лет" (30 years of the Commonwealth of Independent States) is placed around the coin circumference. 

The reverse side of the coin illustrates intertangled lines, symbolizing the roads of cooperation, interaction and development. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is depicted in the center of the coin. The bottom of the coin contains the alloy of metal (Ag 925), the weight of the coin (28.28 g) and the year of issue (2021). The inscription "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы / Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики" (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic) is placed around the coin circumference. 


The main plot of the obverse of the cooper-nickel collection coin "Thank you for life!" are images of representatives of various professions and volunteer who have been working to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic with a threat to their life. At the top of the coin, there is a stylized image of a dew and sunrise, symbolizing the awakening nature, dawn and new life. The inscription with the name of coin "Өмүр сакчыларына таазим! / Спасибо за жизнь!" (Thank you for life!) is placed around the coin circumference. The denomination of the coin "1 c" is specified at the bottom of the coin. 

The reverse side of the coin illustrates a stylized tree of united people as a symbol of unity, the universe and life. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is depicted at the center of the coin. The inscription "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы / Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики" (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic) is placed around the coin circumference. The year of issue of the coin (2021) is specified at the bottom of the coin. 


The main plot of the obverse of the gold coin "30 Years Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic" is the image of a stylized yurt as a symbol of prosperity and well-being with national ornaments that embody the unity and prosperity of the Kyrgyz people. There is an inscription "30 жыл" (30 years) in the center of the yurt. The bottom of the coin contains the denomination of the coin and the graphic symbol of the national currency "100 C". The inscription with the name of the coin "Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 30 жыл / Независимой Кыргызской Республике  30 лет" (30 Years Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic) is placed around the coin circumference.   

The reverse side of the coin contains the image of a shyrdak - a felt carpet with the national ornaments. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is placed in the center. The left part of the coin contains the alloy of metal (Au 999) and the weight of coin (7.78 g). On the right is the year of issue (2021). The inscription "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы / Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики" (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic) is placed around the coin circumference.   


The main plot of the obverse of the silver coin "30 Years Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic" is the image of the geographical map of each region of Kyrgyzstan, shown in the form of a flower with seven petals, united by the inscription "30 жыл" (30 years), as a symbol of interregional and territorial unity. The bottom of the coin shows an inscription "Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 30 жыл" (30 Years Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic). The left part of the coin contains the alloy of metal (Ag 925) and the weight of coin (28.28 g), the denomination of the coin "10 сом" is placed on the right part.   

The center of the reverse of the coin contains the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic framed by the national ornament and the stylized rays of the sun, which embody the flag of the country. The year of issue (2021) is specified at the bottom of the coin. "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы / Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики" (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic) inscription is placed around the coin circumference.   


The main image of the obverse of the collection coin "75th anniversary of Great Victory" is a soaring dove (on a silver coin made in hologram) symbolizing peace, and the background  is the Reichstag walls autographed by the soldiers. The upper part of the coin contains an inscription "Улуу Жеңишке 75 жыл/75 лет Великой Победе" (75th anniversary of the Great Victory), the lower part of the coin contains alloy of metal (Ag 925°), weight of the coin (28.28 g), face value of the coin (10) and graphic symbol of the official currency of the Kyrgyz Republic, Som - C. On the reverse side of the coin there is the memorial complex "Heroic deed of 28 soldiers" depicted against the background of the figure "75". The upper part of the coin shows an inscription: "Улуу Жеңишке 75 жыл/75 лет Великой Победе" (75th anniversary of the Great Victory) and the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic. The bottom of the coin shows a carnation, as a symbol of memory, courage and bravery, made in color printing, and the year of coin issue (2020).   


The main plot of the obverse of the collection coin "10 years of the Peoples April revolution" is the fragment of the monument dedicated to the memory who perished in the tragic events of April 7, 2010, located on the Ala-Too square in Bishkek city. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription with the name of the coin "Элдик Апрель революциясына 10 жыл" ("10 years of the Peoples April revolution"). The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic against the stylized pattern of the Kyrgyz national ornaments is depicted in the center of the reverse side of coin. On the upper part of the coin there is an inscription "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" ("The National bank of the Kyrgyz Republic". The year of issue (2020) is given on the lower part of the coin.   


The main image of the obverse of the collection coin "5 years of the Eurasian Economic Union" is the stylized figure "5" with the official EAEU emblem and images of the flags of the EAEU member-states depicted by means of color printing. The national ornaments of the EAEU member-states are depicted on the left part of the coin. The inscription "Евразия экономикалык бирлиги/ Eurasian Economic Union" is placed around the coin circumference. The national ornaments of the EAEU member-states against the globe, symbolizing the unity of the states, and the figure "5", are depicted of the reverse side of the coin. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic is in the center of the coin. In the upper part of the coin there is an inscription "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" ("National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic"). The alloy of metal (Ag 925°) and the weight of the coin (31.10g) are specified on the right part of the coin. The left part of the coin contains the denomination of the coin (10 Som) and the graphic sign of Som, comprising the capital letter of the Kyrgyz Republic official monetary unit, and an underscore indicating the stability of the national currency. The year of issue (2019) is given in the lower part of the coin.   


The main theme of the obverse of the coin "Chingiz Aitmatov - 90 years" is the image of the Chingiz Aitmatov's portrait and autograph. The inscription "Чыңгыз Айтматов - 90 жыл" / "Chingiz Aitmatov - 90 years" is placed around the coin circumference. The face value of the coin is given in its right part. On the reverse side of the coin, there is the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic in the upper part. Against the background of the stylized mountains and the lake Issyk-Kul, there are the images of white ship and the mother-deer of his same name works. The year of issue (2018) is stated in the lower part of the coin.   


The main plot of the obverse of the "25 years of the national currency of the Kyrgyz Republic" coin is the image of the first banknote of subsidiary denomination - 1 tyiyn and banknote of a highest denomination - 5000 Som. The upper part of the coin shows an inscription with the name of the coin "Кыргыз Республикасынын улуттук валютасына 25 жыл" ("25 years of the national currency of the Kyrgyz Republic"). The face value of the coin and the sign of Som, consisting of the capital letter of the official monetary unit of the Kyrgyz Republic with the low line means the stability of the national currency, are specified at the bottom. On the reverse side of the coin there is the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic in the center and circulating coins in the following face value: 1, 10, 50 tyiyn and 1, 3, 5, 10 Som. The bottom of the coin shows the year of coin issue (2018).   


The obverse of the coin "100th year anniversary of the Urkun" illustrates bitter confrontation between farmers armed with agricultural tools, who were the driving force of the rebellion, and feudal aristocracy. The picture is supplemented with an image of burning yurt. The pad printing technology helps to demonstrate the tragedy of the situation. "1916" inscription is at the center of the coin. The upper part of the coin contains an inscription in the Kyrgyz language "Үркүнгө 100 жыл"), and the denomination of the coin (10 Soms), alloy of metal (Ag 925°) and weight of the coin (28.28 g). The reverse of the coin illustrates the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic against the background of the national ornament symbolizing aspiration of the nation to prosperity, peace and understanding. The year of coin issue (2016) is stated at the lower part of the coin.   


The front face of the coin "1000th year anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn" features a portrait of Zhusup Balasagyn with a silhouette of Zhusup Balasagyns mausoleum in Kashgar and a fragment of Burana Tower against the background. The left side of the coin contains the name of "Kutadgu Bilig" poem manuscript written in Uigur using the local gilding technology; the weight of the coin (28,28g) and metal alloy (Ag 925°) are also given here. The denomitation of the coin is stated on the right side of the coin. The lower part of the coin reads "Жусуп Баласагынга 1000 жыл" ("1000th year anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn"). The reverse side of the coin contains stylized lines from Zhusup Balasagyns poem "Kutadgu Bilig" and an image of the landmark of the Karakhanid epoch - Burana Tower against the background of the Kyrgyz mountains. The upper part of the coin illustrates the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic while the lower part shows the year of issue of the coin (2016) and contains inscription which reads "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" (the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic).   


The obverse of the coin "25th year anniversary of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic" illustrates an eagle with its wings wide open against the background of a framework of yurt and sunrays in the center, which symbolize the Kyrgyz statehood, and freedom of the nation. Figure "25" is featured at the left part of the coin. Along the circumference of the coin there is an inscription that reads "Эгемен Кыргыз Республикасына 25 жыл/ Независимой Кыргызской Республике - 25 лет" ("25th year anniversary of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic"). The reverse of the coin illustrates the coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic. Alloy of metal (Ag 925°) is stated at the left part of the coin, at the right part of the coin is shown the weight of the coin (31.10 g). The year of coin issue (2016) is stated at the upper part of the coin, the denomination of the coin (10 Soms) is shown at the lower part of the coin.   


The official emblem of the EEU and a common name of a coin "Eurasian Economic Union" are the main elements for the series of commemorative collection coins issued by the central (national) banks in the EEU member states. The coat of arms of the Kyrgyz Republic on textured background of the globe, which is the unifying element of the design, is represented on the foreground of the averse of the coin. The inscription "Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук банкы" ("National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic") and year of coin issue (2015) are in the upper part of the coin, the denomination of the coin (10 Som) is at the bottom of the coin. On the left side of the coin there is the alloy of the coin (Ag 925), the weight of the coin (31.10 g) is on the right side. The main subject of the reverse of the coin is the integration of Eurasian States: the official emblem of the EEU on the background of the Eurasian continent located inside the globe and flags of five EEU member states made in color images. At the top of the coin there is the inscription "Евразийский экономический союз" ("Eurasian Economic Union"), at the bottom there is the inscription "Евразия экономикалык союзу" ("Eurasian Economic Union").   


On the obverse of the coin "70 years of Great Victory" there is an image of the ceremonial salute in honor of the Great Victory Day with the number "70" made with the St. George ribbon by pad printing. The color image of the salute in the form of bright flashes is made by a hologram, while round the edges of the coin are fragments of the battlefield. The theme of which has been taken from the bas-relief of the monument devoted to Major-General I. V. Panfilov, located at the entrance of the Park of Bishkek city, named after him. The author is a national artist of the Kyrgyz SSR O.M. Manuilova. The front of the coin also shows the name of the coin and its denomination. The reverse of the coin depicts the white doves, which symbolize Peace, against the background of blue sky, made by pad printing. The Emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic is in the center of the coin.   


The main plot of the gold coin "200th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka" is the image of a portrait of Kurmanjan Datka against traditional ornament, with inscription "Kurmanjan Datka" and the dates of her life. On the obverse of the coin there is the denomination (100 Som) and the alloy and the weight of metal (Au 999, 7.78 g). The reverse are represented by the national emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic, the name of the coin "Курманжан Даткага 200 жыл" in Kyrgyz, stylized flowers and the year of issue (2012).   


The obverse of the silver coin "200th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka" represents the portrait of Kurmanjan Datka framed national design with the words "Kurmanjan Datka" and the dates of her life. A feature of this coin is the inserts of two crystals Swarovski®. Also on the front of coin is the denomination of the coin (10 Som), alloy and weight of metal (Ag 925, 28.28 g). The reverse shows a stylized image Kurmanjan Datka riding a horse on the background of the sacred Sulaiman-Too mountain, the name of the coin "Курманжан Даткага 200 жыл" in Kyrgyz, the national emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic and the year of issue (2012).   


The main theme of the coin "Sovereign Kyrgyzstan" are the state symbols. In the foreground of the obverse of coin is situated image of the State flag, made in jewelry enamel in red and gilded with purest gold. Against the background of map of Kyrgyzstan there is a picture of the hero of folk epic Manas on horseback. The alloy and weight of metal (Ag 925/28.28) are indicated at the left part and the denomination of coin is indicated at the right part of the obverse. The national emblem of Kyrgyzstan, the year of issue (2011) are represented on the reverse of the coin.   


On the obverse of the coin "60 years of Great Victory" there are a figure a women - mother, an eternal light and elements of the Victory Memorial Complex (author - T. Sadykov, the People's Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic) are located in the foreground of the head of the coin. A stylized image of a yurt against ridges of Kyrgyzstan is located in the background. The national emblem of Kyrgyzstan, the year of issue (2005) and the name of the coin are represented on the reverse of the coin.   


The obverse of the silver coin "Peak Pobeda" depicts the worlds northernmost mountain over 7,000 meters high. The alloy and weight of metal (Ag 925/28.28) are indicated in the left part and the denomination of coin is indicated in the right part of the obverse of the coin. The national emblem of Kyrgyzstan, the year of issue (2011) are represented on the reverse of the coin. The designs of "Pobeda Peak" and "Khan-Tengri peak" copper-nickel coins in face value 1 Som are the same as designs the silver coins in face value 10 Som.   


All the collection coins issued during 10th year's history of the Kyrgyz Republic's national currency are depicted on the obverse of the coin "10 years of the National Currency of the Kyrgrz Republic" as gold coins "Manas -1000" and "Osh -3000", silver coins "Manas -1000", "Khan-Tengri", "Arkhar" and "Edelweiss". The coins images on the obverse side of the coin are joined in one composition by stylized image of the Kyrgyz yurta's main element tunduk. Tunduk symbolizes unity of the people of Kyrgyzstan and contiguity of generations. The unique technology that was applied for the coins production allows use Au 999 for the decoration. Thus, tunduk and Some other elements of the coin are made of gold. On the reverse of the coin there is an emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic and the year of issue of the coin framed by the national ornament. In the center of the emblem the image of a white falcon with outspread wings, symbolizing freedom and independence of Kyrgyzstan, is painted against the lake and the shoots of Ala-Тоо with the rising sun. In the center of the coin framed by the national ornament the inscription "10 years of the National Currency".   

On the obverse of the coin "Arkhar" against a surprisingly beautiful, remote top, the Tyan-Shan arkhar - symbol of courage and nobleness of our ancestors - is painted. In the top part of the coin there is the inscription "TENGIR-Тоо" (Sacred mountains), in the left part - the inscription "Arkhar" (Ovis Ammon Karelini), and in the bottom part the par value of the coin "10 Som" is indicated. In the right part there is the mark indicating the weight of the coin and fineness of silver (Ag 925/28.28).   

On the obverse of the coins "Edelweiss" against a beautiful mountain pyramid covered with a snow-ice coverlet the image of flower edelweiss - symbol of mountains - is painted. In the top part of the coin there is the inscription "ТЕNGIR-ТОО" (Sacred mountains), at the left - the inscription "AKMANDAI. LEONTOPODIUM", and in the bottom part the par value of the coin - "10 Som" - is indicated. In the right part there is the mark indicating the weight of the coin and fineness of silver (Ag 925/28.28).   

On the reverse of the coins "Arkhar" and "Edelweiss" there is the emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic and the year of issue of the coins (2002), as well as the circular inscription - "EL ARALYK TOO JYLY" (International Year of Mountains).   

On the obverse of the coin "Khan Tengri", the majestic mountain "Khan Tengri" symbolizing freedom and independence of the Kyrgyz Republic is painted. The par value "10 Som" of the coin is indicated in the bottom part. In the left part there is the mark indicating the weight of the coin and fineness of silver (Ag 925/28,28). On the reverse of the coin there is the emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic, the circular inscription "Egemen Kyrgyz Respublikasyna 10 Jyl" ("10 years of the Independent Kyrgyz Republic") and the year of issue of the coin (2001.)   


Specifications of coins   





Weight (g)  

Size (mm) 


Issue limit (pieces)   

Price (Som)   

“100 Years of Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region”

10 Som   

Ag 925 




1 000 

4 820 

10 years of the Eurasian Economic Union 

10 Som 

silver 925°  






30 years of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic 

5 Som 






realization is completed

30 years of Som 

10 Som 

silver 925°  




1 000  

4 110 

Household item: tai-tuyak 

500 Som 

silver 925°  





93 300 

30 years of the Commonwealth of Independent States 

10 Som 

silver 925°  




1 000  

3 890 

Thank you for life! 

1 Som 





3 000  

realization is completed

30 Years Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic  

100 Som 

gold 999°  




1 000  

50 660 

30 Years Anniversary of the Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic

10 Som 

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  

75th anniversary of Great Victory

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

3 270  

75th anniversary of Great Victory

1 Som  





5 000  


10 years of the People's April revolution

1 Som  





1 000  

realization is completed  

5 years of the Eurasian Economic Union

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

3 040  

Chingiz Aitmatov - 90 years

20 Som  





5 000  


25 years of the national currency of the Kyrgyz Republic

5 Som  





5 000  


100th year anniversary of the national-liberation uprising of the 1916

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

2 500  

1000th year anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn

10 Som  

silver 925°  


38.61х 38.61  


1 000  

3 240  

25th year anniversary of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

2 500  

Eurasian Economic Union

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  

70 Years of Great Victory

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  

200th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka

100 Som  

gold 999°  




1 000  

realization is completed  

200th anniversary of Kurmanjan Datka

10 Som  

silver 925°  




2 000  

2 000  

Sovereign Kyrgyzstan

10 Som  

silver 925° gold 999°  




2 000  

2 600  

60 years of Great Victory

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  

Pobeda Peak

10 Som  

silver 925°  




3 000  

2 000  

Pobeda Peak

1 Som  




brilliant uncirculated  

5 000  

realization is completed  

10 years of the national currency of the Kyrgyz Republic

10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  


10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  


10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  


10 Som  

silver 925°  




1 000  

realization is completed  

Khan Tengri

1 Som  




brilliant uncirculated  

5 000  

realization is completed